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Underholdende spil med timevis af udfordring. Kan benyttes af både kontakt-, touch-, og øjenstyringsbrugere. ver. 1.2 @ A/S Aabentoft

Morning Check In English and Welsh
Leigh Wharton

Good Morning / Feeling board in English and Welsh

Music and Video voice
Norwood AT

Browse your media libraries and play your favourite music and videos. Updated for easier access via the new Voice control feature within Grid 3. Feel free to edit/adjust and share these apps. I have updated all the accessible apps with...


Schauen Sie sich Ihre Lieblingsfilme und -sendungen von Netflix mit Grid 3 an. Stöbern Sie auf der Startseite, sehen Sie sich nach Kategorien um oder verwenden Sie die Suchfunktion, um etwas zum Anschauen zu finden. Wählen Sie Staffeln oder...


Et Grid Layout som gør det muligt at høre enhver radiostation som findes på nettet. Tilføj, fjern og rediger så det passer til dig. Kan benyttes af kontakt-, touch- og øjenstyringsbrugere. V. 1.1 Udgivet af Aabentoft

Netradio (computerstyring)

Et Grid Layout som gør det muligt at høre enhver radiostation via computerstyring. Tilføj, fjern og rediger så det passer til dig. Kan benyttes af kontakt-, touch- og øjenstyringsbrugere. V. 1.0 Udgivet af Aabentoft

Notes voice
Norwood AT

Browse your media libraries and play your favourite music and videos. Updated for easier access via the new Voice control feature within Grid 3. Feel free to edit/adjust and share these apps. I have updated all the accessible apps with...

O jornal da APCM - edição 23
APCM- Informática

Fica a par de todas as novidades da Associação de Paralisia Cerebral da Madeira!

PACEC Prog JD_final_16 sept 2020

clavier pour balayage Modifié par Annie Bergeron


"Digo" es un buen recurso para iniciar la comunicación con símbolos de una forma simple. Las cuadrículas ofrecen un punto de inicio estructurado que permite personalizar un sistema de comunicación para cada individuo.

Rock, Paper, Scissors
Dave Greenwood - Smartbox

Play rock, paper, scissors with just one press! Grid 3 will make a random selection

Sænke slagskibe

Sænke slagskibe. God træning og underholdning i mange timer. Et fængende spil som som kan benyttes af kontakt-, touch- og øjenstyringsbrugere v.1.1 @ A/S Aabentoft

Servus Environment Control voice
Norwood AT

Control televisions, hi-fi, lights and much more with our Servus Environment Control technology. Updated for easier access via the new Voice control feature within Grid 3. Feel free to edit/adjust and share these apps. I have updated all...

Servus Environment Control Voice Activation

Control televisions, stereo, lights, and much more with Servus Environment Control technology and these Servus ECU pages.

Simple email voice
Norwood AT

A symbolised email grid set. The user is able to create new emails step by step and also attach photographs. Updated for easier access via the new Voice control feature within Grid 3. Feel free to edit/adjust and share these apps. I have...

Simple Servus Environment Control voice
Norwood AT

A simplified environment control for people starting out with controlling their home Updated for easier access via the new Voice control feature within Grid 3. Feel free to edit/adjust and share these apps. I have updated all the...

Simple Servus Environment Control Voice Activation

A simplified environment control for people starting out with controlling their home

Simple SMS voice
Norwood AT

Send and receive symbolised SMS messages when linked with any Android phone. Updated for easier access via the new Voice control feature within Grid 3. Feel free to edit/adjust and share these apps. I have updated all the accessible apps...

Sky Q TV Controls
Jay Tuck - Smartbox

A gridset that allows you to control your Sky Q boxes. Set up favourite channels in seconds as well as controlling the whole Sky EPG. NOTE: Please ensure you have the Sky Q remote set up as a Set top box accessesory The file and how to guide...

Super Core 30

Super Core 30 has the exact same vocabulary as Super Core 50, and is available for users who need fewer and larger cells on each grid. Words may take more selections to get to, but they will be easier for some users to select. This easy-to-use...

Symbol Talker A

Symbol Talker est un ensemble de vocabulaire complet pour ceux qui souhaitent utiliser des symboles pour parler. Il contient des pages pour le vocabulaire général, ainsi que des pages pour les thèmes de l'école, de la maison et de la thérapie.

Symbol Talker B

Gaika antolatutako hiztegia esaldien egitura barneratzen eta garatzen ari diren erabiltzailentzat. Gai bakoitzari dagokion grid-etan, erabiltzaileek hainbat elementuz osatutako esaldiak sortu ditzakete gelaxka bat edo bi aukeratuz. Grid Tamaina...

The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse
Gerlene Kennedy

This simple book template enables you to add your own text and pictures/photos to create books. It is a simple layout with two buttons. One button reads the text and the second button turns the page.

The brain
Kerry-anne cooper

The brain pageset

Times Table Rock Stars
Dougal Hawes - Smartbox

A simple grid to load the Times Table Rock Stars website and operate the basic controls