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Làmines noves - català

Explora el parc i juga amb pilotes, bombolles i altres elements. Aquest paquet de quadrícules ajuda a desenvolupar habilitats inicials de causa i efecte. Les activitats d'Aprenentatge Interactives estan dissenyades per ser motivants i...


Based off of the home page of LAMP


Based off of the home page of LAMP

Land Aknowledgement
SR SP 2023

Traditional Land Ackowledgement for North Vancouver BC, Canada. I would like to thank the Coast Salish people, specifically the Skwxwu7mesh and Tsleil-Waututh Nations, whose unceded traditional territory is where we live, learn and grow.

Language Links Core Advanced
FRS Custom Solutions

Language Links Core Advanced is ideal for individuals functioning at an 8+ age level. At this level the user is provided with the most content within the pragmatic categories as well as within the subject, verb, and noun categories. The user is...

Language Links Core Basic
FRS Custom Solutions

Language Links Core Basic is ideal for individuals functioning at a 4 to 7 year old age language age level. Language Links Core Basic maintains all of the pragmatically based content areas found in Language Links Core Preschool as well as adding...

Language Links Core Intermediate
FRS Custom Solutions

Language Links Core Intermediate is ideal for individuals functioning on a 6 to 9 year old language age. Within the intermediate level the user again maintains all the language previously learned in the lower levels plus additional content...

Language Links Core Preschool
FRS Custom Solutions

Language Links Core Preschool is essential for children functioning at a 2-3 year old language age level. At this preschool level the user is provided with many quick talk phrases based on various pragmatic situations creating quick language access...

Language Links Prime Advanced
FRS Custom Solutions

Language Links Prime Advanced is the highest level ideal for independent communicators on a teen to adult language level. At this level the user is provided with a 30 location format providing for the most content available at one time creating the...

Language Links Prime Beginner
FRS Custom Solutions

Essential for children functioning at a 3-5 year old language age level. At this developmental stage children should be creating 3 to five word long utterances using basic semantics and grammar structure. Language Links Beginner allows for an easy...

Language Links Prime Beginner+
FRS Custom Solutions

Essential for children functioning at a 3-5 year old language age level. At this developmental stage children should be creating 3 to five word long utterances using basic semantics and grammar structure. Language Links Beginner allows for an easy...

Language Links Prime Intermediate
FRS Custom Solutions

Language Links Prime Intermediate is ideal for users functioning at an 8+ language age level. At this level the user is not only presented with all grammatical and semantic concepts equally in the subject-verb-adverb-adjective-noun combination of...

Language Links Prime Junior
FRS Custom Solutions

LL Prime Junior is ideal for children functioning at a 5-7 year old language age level. At this level we have added another concept in the grammatical sentence structure which creates higher level semantics as well. The sentence structure now...

Language Links Prime Junior+
FRS Custom Solutions

LL Prime Junior is ideal for children functioning at a 5-7 year old language age level. At this level we have added another concept in the grammatical sentence structure which creates higher level semantics as well. The sentence structure now...

L'antiga Egipte
Smartbox Catalan

Coneix l'entorn, visita un temple – però ves amb compte amb els caimans quan vagis explorant l'Antiga Egipte més a fons. Aquest paquet de quadrícules ajuda a desenvolupar habilitats inicials de causa i efecte. Les activitats d'Aprenentatge...

Large Target Keyboard
FRS Custom Solutions

If you need a keyboard with large targets, look no further than the FRS Large Target Keyboard. This keyboard gives you the ability to access a full 26 letter alphabet, punctuation, & numbers all while using a layout that allows a minimal number of...

large text supercore 30

Super Core 30 has the exact same vocabulary as Super Core 50, and is available for users who need fewer and larger cells on each grid. Words may take more selections to get to, but they will be easier for some users to select. This easy-to-use...

Las horas

Paquete de cuadrículas sencillo para saber cómo se leen las horas en un reloj. Incluye imagenes ARASAAC, y el enlace al video:

Las horas (2)

Paquete de cuadrículas sencillo para saber cómo se leen las horas en un reloj. Incluye imagenes ARASAAC, y el enlace al video:



Las princesas también se tiran pedos


Las sílabas

Atividade de Semántica fonológica…

Las sombras de la navidad

Busca la sombra es un juego simple donde el usuario tiene buscar la coincidencia de la imagen central por una de las tres opciones indicabas en la parte de abajo. Las cuadrículas de "Folly Farm", son un grupo de usuarios de cuadrículas que contienen...

Läsa (olika media)
Delaktig i Ögonblicket

Läs texter från PDF-filer, inskannade bilder eller på Internet. Framtagen av Dart Kommunikations- och dataresurscenter i projektet Delaktig i Ögonblicket.

Läsa 4x3
Delaktig i Ögonblicket

Läs texter från PDF-filer, inskannade bilder eller på Internet. Framtagen av Dart Kommunikations- och dataresurscenter i projektet Delaktig i Ögonblicket.

Läsa PDF med Utforskaren, Dator kontroll
Jesper Picomed

Denna anpassning är till för att kunna läsa PDF dokument. Den är söker efter all *.PDF på datorn. Förutsatt att utforskaren är ställd att starta i "Dator" och att ordningsföljd är kronologisk så kommer den nyaste PDFen hamna först i listan. Se...

LAST key words

Key words for LAST: the story of the white rhino