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Stalk WLS
Smartbox - The Grid 2

Stalk is a small group of grids for instant communication. The grids are a fun way to introduce key concepts such as symbol sentences and jumping between grids.

Stalk WLS DE

Stalk ist eine kleine Ansammlung von Rastern zum zwecke einer schnellen Kommunikation.Die Raster sind eine spaßige Möglichkeit, mit Symbolen eine Kommunikation zu führen und zwischen den Rastern zu wechseln.

StalkPCS eye gaze
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

Stalk is a small group of grids for instant communication. The grids are a fun way to introduce key concepts such as symbol sentences and jumping between grids. This grid uses PCS symbols and is adapted to include some basic Eye gaze support.

Star Talker
Smartbox - The Grid 2

Star Talker allows literate users to speak quickly using a keyboard with prediction. Any message can be saved and quickly recalled. You can also send SMS and Email messages from Star Talker.

Star Talker

Star Talker allows literate users to speak quickly using a keyboard with prediction. Any message can be saved and quickly recalled. You can also send SMS and Email messages from Star Talker.

Star Talker (alphabetical)
Online Grid Bundles

Star Talker with alphabetical keyboard grids for switch users from Doug Nottingham

Star Talker 2
Smartbox - The Grid 2

An all in one communicator for text users with speech, SMS, email and Skype. It also has a web browser, address book, word processor and environment control.

Star Talker 2

An all in one communicator for text users with speech, SMS, email and Skype. It also has a web browser, address book, word processor and environment control.

Star Talker Alphabetic
Online Grid Bundles

From Jodie Parkes: This is an alphabetical version of the most recent Star Talker (with DVD control & Skype) that I created for an MND client to use. Hope you find it useful.

Star talker at night
Smartbox - The Grid 2

This is a darkened version of the Star Talker grids. The colour scheme has been changed to work with black backgrounds and muted colours. This is ideal for people who are using the computer for very long periods of time. It is also suitable for...

Star Talker bibi

An all in one communicator for text users with speech, SMS, email and Skype. It also has a web browser, address book, word processor and environment control.

Star Talker Castellano

Star Talker permite a los usuarios que pueden leer y escribir comunicarse rápidamente utilizando un teclado con texto predictivo. Cualquier mensaje puede guardarse y recuperarse al instante. Con Star Talker también puede enviar mensajes SMS y de...

Star Talker Castellano

Star Talker permite a los usuarios que pueden leer y escribir comunicarse rápidamente utilizando un teclado con texto predictivo. Cualquier mensaje puede guardarse y recuperarse al instante. Con Star Talker también puede enviar mensajes SMS y de...

Star Talker Castellano

Star Talker permite a los usuarios que pueden leer y escribir comunicarse rápidamente utilizando un teclado con texto predictivo. Cualquier mensaje puede guardarse y recuperarse al instante. Con Star Talker también puede enviar mensajes SMS y de...

Star Talker DE

Mit Star Talker können professionelle Nutzer eine schnelle Kommunikation über die Tastatur mit Wortvorhersage führen. Einige Nachrichten können gespeichert und schnell wieder abgerufen werden. Mit Star Talker ist es möglich, SMS und email zu...

Star Talker deutsche Anwendung

Mit Star Talker können professionelle Nutzer eine schnelle Kommunikation über die Tastatur mit Wortvorhersage führen. Einige Nachrichten können gespeichert und schnell wieder abgerufen werden. Mit Star Talker ist es möglich, SMS und email zu...

Star talker frequency
Smartbox - The Grid 2

A reworking of our original Star Talker, designed for use by switch users.

Star Talker frequency eye gaze
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

Frequency of use on-screen keyboards are already available for switch users within the Grid 2. This Grid bundle applies these principles for an eye gaze user. Most commonly used letters or functions are in the middle of the keyboard, less common...

star wars sound effects

A simple 6 cell grid with various key character phrases and sound effects relating to Star Wars. This can be used in social activity with peers or adults

Stari Egipat
Smartbox Croatian

Istražujući ovaj prizor Starog Egipta upoznajte se sa sfingom i pogledajte hram, ali pazite na aligatore! Ova komunikacijska mapa pomaže u učenju povezivanja uzroka i posljedica, kao i ranih jezičnih vještina. Aktivnosti interaktivnog učenja...

Staroveký Egypt - Dotyk
Smartbox Slovak

Pozri si sfingy i chrámy - len pri prechádzke starovekým Egyptom daj pozor na aligátory. Tieto sady mriežok pomáhajú pri výučbe princípu príčiny a následku a aj v budovaní jazykových zručností. Aktivity Interaktívneho učenia sú vytvorené tak, aby...

Starověký Egypt - dotyk
Smartbox Czech

Prohlédni si sfingy i chrámy – jen dej při procházce starověkým Egyptem pozor na aligátory. Tyto sady mřížek pomáhají při výuce principu příčiny a následku i v budování jazykových dovedností. Aktivity Interaktivního učení jsou vytvořeny tak, aby...

Startalker eye gaze
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

Star Talker allows literate users to speak quickly using a keyboard with prediction. Any message can be saved and quickly recalled. You can also send SMS and Email messages from Star Talker. This adapted version maximises cell sizes for Eye gaze...

Startanpassning prata
Delaktig i Ögonblicket

En mycket enkel pratkarta, främst utformad för att prova på ögonstyrning. Framtagen av Dart Kommunikations- och dataresurscenter i projektet Delaktig i Ögonblicket.

Starte med Super Core
Smartbox Norwegian

Starte med Super Core oppsettet tilbyr en forsiktig progresjon til hele Super Core oppsettets ordforråd. En mulighet til å bygge selvtillit med symbolbasert ASK. Det inkluderer alle de "daglige" og " lek aktivet" ordene fra Super Core, sammen med...

Starte med Super Core

Starte med Super Core oppsettet tilbyr en forsiktig progresjon til hele Super Core oppsettets ordforråd. En mulighet til å bygge selvtillit med symbolbasert ASK. Det inkluderer alle de "daglige" og " lek aktivet" ordene fra Super Core, sammen med...

Starte med Super Core Widgit

Starte med Super Core oppsettet tilbyr en forsiktig progresjon til hele Super Core oppsettets ordforråd. En mulighet til å bygge selvtillit med symbolbasert ASK. Det inkluderer alle de "daglige" og " lek aktivet" ordene fra Super Core, sammen med...

starter grid

Adap PODD 3x4 grid