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core vocab -welsh (LOIS HUGHES)

core vocab on welsh

Core Words Activity 6 Cell Grid
Kelly SALT

Simple six cell core words for high interest toys

Core Words and Keyboard - Arabic & English

A printable two-sided communication board with Arabic and English words, alongside symbols. The first grid includes a range of useful everyday words that can be used by themselves or in combination. The second grid is a keyboard that can be...

Core Words and Keyboard - Arabic & English
Smartbox Arabic

A printable two-sided communication board with Arabic and English words, alongside symbols. The first grid includes a range of useful everyday words that can be used by themselves or in combination. The second grid is a keyboard that can be...

Core Words and Keyboard - Russian & English

A printable two-sided communication board with Russian and English words, alongside symbols. The first grid includes a range of useful everyday words that can be used by themselves or in combination. The second grid is a keyboard that can be...

Core Words and Keyboard - Ukrainian & English

A printable two-sided communication board with Ukrainian and English words, alongside symbols. The first grid includes a range of useful everyday words that can be used by themselves or in combination. The second grid is a keyboard that can...

Cores - 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Associação de cores TSEER Maurília Sampaio NIPI 2023 Imagens da google e adaptada com símbolos pictográficos para a comunicação

CoreWord™ 20
WinSlate Dashboard

CoreWord™ 20 (v2.0) - A 5x4 grid set with emphasis on core word usage. Allows for spontaneous utterance generation, and utilizes predictive linking to increase efficiency. Supports use of language for multiple functions, including: commenting;...

CoreWord™ 6
WinSlate Dashboard

CoreWord™ 6 (v2.0) - A 3x2 grid set ideal for emergent communicators or those who require larger buttons. Incorporates functional sentence starters (e.g., "I want", "Let's play"). Predictive links encourage fast, independent communication....

CoreWord™ 6

CoreWord™ 6 (v2.0) - A 3x2 grid set ideal for emergent communicators or those who require larger buttons. Incorporates functional sentence starters (e.g., "I want", "Let's play"). Predictive links encourage fast, independent communication....


WordPower 25 by Nancy Inman combines the features of core vocabulary, spelling and word prediction. Complex sentences can be generated quickly and efficiently using core words, suggested next words, smart grammar and dynamically linked pages....

Melissa. Jane Allan

Thought I would do this to help. There is empty spaces so you can add anything you want, I Have added a keyboard .


Support pour expliquer le confinement aux enfants du Sessad

Coronavirus - A book for childrens
Saffron Murphy AAC

This is a Grid 3 adaptation of the free pdf book released by Nosy Crow


Support pour expliquer le confinement à des adultes en MAS


Support pour expliquer le confinement à des enfants en EEAP

Corpo coberto de...
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Jogo para identificar uma determinada característica do animal.


Aprender ósos, músculos, articulacións e sistema dixestivo. Axeitado a alumnado de 1º-2º de Educación Primaria. En galego.

Corre corre, cabacinha
Ivone Almeida

Esta é uma história sobejamente conhecida. E a edição de Eva Mejuto e André Letria presta-se tão, mas tão bem para a comunicação aumentativa no Grid3.!

Correo electrónico simple

Cuadrículas de correo electrónico con símbolos. El usuario es capaz de crear nuevos mensajes paso por paso y también adjuntar fotografías.


Ajuda a desenvolver competências de planeamento. Estas atividades foram desenhadas para motivar e serem divertidas. As crianças podem comentar sobre as atividades e começar a introduzir a comunicação aumentativa.

Corridas - Adaptado

Causa-efeito, comunicação, aprendizagem.

Corridas - Touch
Smartbox Portuguese

Ajuda a desenvolver competências de planeamento. Estas atividades foram desenhadas para motivar e serem divertidas. As crianças podem comentar sobre as atividades e começar a introduzir a comunicação aumentativa.