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Food and Drink
Online Grid Bundles

Choose your meals and drinks, by Chris George

formas e cores
Anabela Caiado-exp e fazer

Identificação de formas e cores.

formas simples
Anabela Caiado-exp e fazer

Identificação de formas.

Fotoalbum Autos
Tom Schmidt

Foto-Album Autos - Ein Grid für alle Auto-Fans. Aktuelle Autos werden hier in einer Bilder-Show gezeigt, die die Möglichkeiten des Grid-Werkzeugs "Wortlisten" nutzt. Wer über die Menüleiste (F12) unter "Automatischer Inhalt" die "Wortliste" für das...

Four Row Single Column (workspace bottom)
Online Grid Bundles

Grid set up for MyTobii user who can only access four rows in a single column and needed workspace to be visible in the column. Could be used as the basis for other four cell grids. From Zoe Robertson

Four Row Single Column (workspace left)
Online Grid Bundles

Grid set up for MyTobii user who can only access four rows in a single column and could manage with workspace on left. Could be used as the basis for other four cell grids. From Zoe Robertson

Fraction Board
Mike Miller

For KS2/3 eye-gazers but tweekable for switch or touch screen users. They allow two mixed numbers/fractions (proper or improper) and a decimal equivalent to be compared in the conventional format prompted by a diagram and set task created by the...

frågor talande mall
Christina Börjesson

Mall: Frågor med tre svarsalternativ vilket rätt svar leder till nästa fråga. Min tanke med upplägget är läsförståelse.

frases negativas01
Anabela Caiado-exp e fazer

Compreensão da frase negativa.

Frequency iPad

This gridset incorporates a frequency keyboard for touch screen access with prediction. The idea was to maintain a cell size of about 1" x 1" so that fine control was not needed to access the keyboard and prediction cells. When entering the second...

Fruit Quiz
Barney Hawes Smartbox

A simple quiz using the Snaps photo library.

FSDS Symbol Talker B AU
Farhin Chowdhury

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.

Anna Andreu

Paquet de quadrícules que inclou vocabulari específic de futbol i teclat bàsic. Català.


Symbol Talker è un vocabolario completo per coloro che desiderano comunicate attraverso i simboli. Contiene una pagina con una serie di opinioni, come la pagina della scuola, della casa o l'utilizzo terapico.


Symbol Talker è un vocabolario completo per coloro che desiderano comunicate attraverso i simboli. Contiene una pagina con una serie di opinioni, come la pagina della scuola, della casa o l'utilizzo terapico.

General Election Book
Kerry Vacara - Smartbox

A short book about the general election and the voting process.

General Election Symbol Talker B
Kerry Vacara - Smartbox

A communication grid providing vocabulary for the general election. The layout is takn from Symbol Talker B. Vocabulary can be easily changed by editing the word list.

Geteilte Tastatur 1.0

Das Rasterset "Geteilte Tastatur" ist besonders für mobile Kommunikationsgeräte bis 10" geeignet. Man kann das Gerät bequem in beiden Händen halten und mit den Daumen schreiben.

Gill main user 2018
Gill Russell

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.


Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.

Grid for iPad

En användare för Gmail inuti The Grid 2. För att användaren ska ladda Gmail: Skapa en ruta i "din" användare med kommandona: Gå till: "Gmail" Gå till Webbsida: Logga in på Gmail och spara lösenordet för att det ska laddas...

GMail bundle

Simple grid bundle for using GMail. Language is Finnish. GMail keyboard shortcuts must be enabled before using this bundle. Open GMail account settings and check whether the keyboard setting is enabled. Enable the setting if not already enabled.