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Picture art
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

A simple grid for building pictures to print or save as PDF's. This grid set also inlcudes temaplte grids to make your own scenes.

Picture Maker - Touch

Create your own picture by choosing a scene then adding characters to it, before taking the perfect photograph. This grid set helps develop early choice making skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while...

Picture Maker - Touch
Smartbox (US)

Create your own picture by choosing a scene then adding characters to it, before taking the perfect photograph. This grid set helps develop early choice making skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while...

Picture Maker PODD 15 layout

Create your own picture by choosing a scene then adding characters to it, before taking the perfect photograph. This grid set helps develop early choice making skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while...

PictureMyLife - Firefox, Datorkontroll
Jesper Picomed

Denna anpassning gör det möjligt att lyssna på sina aktiviteter som finns i dagboken. Det går också skriva in nya aktiviteter och ett ABC tangentbord med prediktion finns. Detta kan ersättas av det som passar användaren bäst. Kräver Firefox för...

PIE trial

QuickStep 8! This powerful, progressive symbol-based user is intended for Beginning Communicators. Communicate using phrases, sentence starters, common expressions and fringe vocabulary! Functions of communication located on every page via...


Juego interactivo para jugar en familia, con amigos o hermanos


Juego interactivo para jugar en familia, con amigos o hermanos

Pierre, feuille, ciseaux !
Irène M

Jouez à pierre, feuille, ciseaux en appuyant simplement sur un bouton ! Grid 3 sélectionne au hasard pour vous.

Pierwsze słowa
Rozpoczynamy pracę z Grid 3

Pakiet plansz będący narzędziem edukacyjnym pomagającym w motywujący i zabawny sposób uczyć i wypowiadać pierwsze słowa. Dziecko uczy się znaczenia słów oraz symboli. Po kliknięciu na komórkę z symbolem i słowem jest ono odczytywane po czym robot...

Pierwsze słowa

Pakiet plansz będący narzędziem edukacyjnym pomagającym w motywujący i zabawny sposób uczyć i wypowiadać pierwsze słowa. Dziecko uczy się znaczenia słów oraz symboli. Po kliknięciu na komórkę z symbolem i słowem jest ono odczytywane po czym robot...

Pig the Grub - switching auditory scanning
Shauna logged in

this is an adapted version of pig the grub created by TalkLink trust for auditory switch scanners

Pin number - password
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

This is a grid set for someone to have a pin code lock to part of their grid set. The current pin code is 3-5-7. To reset the pin code go into editing mode on the first page and change the 3 to a jump home. Then change the number you want to a...

Pin number - password
Evane Caldwell

This is a grid set for someone to have a pin code lock to part of their grid set. The current D pin code is 3-5-7. To reset the pin code go into editing mode on the first page and change the 3 to a jumpdddddd home. Then change the number you...

Pinceau magique
Ortho pacec

Développer des compétences précoces en matière de cause et d'effet grâce à nos activités d'apprentissage interactif. Ils sont conçus pour être motivant et amusant tout en enseignant des compétences d'accès.

Pinceau magique - version tactile
Smartbox French

Développer des compétences précoces en matière de cause et d'effet grâce à nos activités d'apprentissage interactif. Ils sont conçus pour être motivant et amusant tout en enseignant des compétences d'accès.

Pincel Mágico - Touch
Smartbox Portuguese

Select a picture and watch the magic brush create a colourful painting before your eyes! This grid set helps develop early cause and effect skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access...

Pink Choosing

Link clients directly to preferred youtube choices, with one consistent Video Player grid for all videos!



Pintar un quadre
Smartbox Catalan

Crea el teu propi quadre escollint una escena i afegint elements necessaris abans de fer la fotografia perfecta. Aquest paquet de quadrícules ajuda a desenvolupar habilitats inicials de presa de decisions. Les activitats d'Aprenentatge...