Super Core
Brukervennlige oppsett, som tidlige ASK-brukere med å oppleve suksess med symbolkommunikasjon og utvikle ferdigheter i ferdigheter.
Starte med Super Core
Starte med Super Core oppsettet tilbyr en forsiktig progresjon til hele Super Core oppsettets ordforråd. En mulighet til å bygge selvtillit med symbolbasert ASK. Det inkluderer alle de "daglige" og " lek aktivet" ordene fra Super Core, sammen med...
Super Core 30
Super Core 30 har det samme vokabularet som Super Core 50, og er tilgjengelig for brukere som trenger færre og større felter på hver side. Det kan bli litt flere trykk for å komme til ordene, men de vil være lettere for noen brukere å velge, på...
Super Core 30 Low Tech
En utskriftbar tosidig kommunikasjonstavle utviklet til å benyttes som et supplement til Super Core 30. På den måten kan man ha lett tilgang på viktige ord og få uttrykt seg hele tiden, som f.eks ute i ruskete vær, i svømmehall m.m. Den består av...
Super Core 50
Super Core er et brukervennlig kommunikasjonsoppsett som er utviklet for å bidra til at ASK-brukere lykkes med sin symbolkommunikasjon. Det kombinerer kjerneordforråd med kontekstspesifikt språk, med fokus på daglige rutiner og lekeaktiviteter....
Super Core 50 Low Tech
En utskriftbar tosidig kommunikasjonstavle utviklet til å benyttes som et supplement til Super Core 50. På den måten kan man ha lett tilgang på viktige ord og få uttrykt seg hele tiden, som f.eks ute i ruskete vær, i svømmehall m.m. Den består av...
20 cell super core- Adapted
A Grid adapted from Super Core Learning 20. Adapted for a young adult, including some basic navigation. Room for additional topics and language!
Aprendizaje Super Core
Las cuadrículas de Aprendizaje Super Core ofrecen una progresión suave hacia el vocabulario completo de símbolos Super Core y una oportunidad de coger confianza con la CAA con símbolos. Incluyen todo el vocabulario de actividades diarias, de...
Aprendizaje Super Core
Las cuadrículas de Aprendizaje Super Core ofrecen una progresión suave hacia el vocabulario completo de símbolos Super Core y una oportunidad de coger confianza con la CAA con símbolos. Incluyen todo el vocabulario de actividades diarias, de...
Commencer avec Super Core
Les grilles d'apprentissage Super Core offrent une progression en douceur vers le vocabulaire complet des symboles Super Core et une opportunité de renforcer la confiance avec les symboles CAA. Ils incluent tout le vocabulaire quotidien et...
Gill main user 2018
Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.
Super Core 30
SUPER CORE 30 Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific language, focusing on daily routines and play...
Super Core 30
SUPER CORE 30 Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific language, focusing on daily routines and play...
Super Core 30
SUPER CORE 30 Super Core ist ein einfaches Kernvokabular, das frühen UK Nutzern bei symbolgestützter Kommunikation zu Erfolgserlebnissen verhelfen soll. Es kombiniert einheitliches Kernvokabular mit kontextabhängiger Sprache, die sich auf den...
Super Core 30
SUPER CORE 30 Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific language, focusing on daily routines and play...
Super Core 30
Super Core 30 has the exact same vocabulary as Super Core 50, and is available for users who need fewer and larger cells on each grid. Words may take more selections to get to, but they will be easier for some users to select. This easy-to-use...
Super Core 30
SUPER CORE 30 Super Core er en let måde at bruge kerneordforråd, designet til at hjælpe nye ASK brugere med at få en succes med deres symbol kommunikation. Det kombinerer et konsekvent kerneordforråd med kontekstspecifikt sprog, med fokus på...
Super Core 30
Super Core 30 bevat precies hetzelfde vocabulaire als Super Core 50 en is beschikbaar voor gebruikers die behoefte hebben aan grotere vakken. Er zijn meer selecties nodig om bij bepaalde woorden te komen, maar het zal voor sommige gebruikers...
Super Core 30 Expansion pack
This expansion pack is designed to allow you to add the new content introduced in the Super Core v2.0 update to an exisiting Super Core grid set (v1.2 or below). To do so you need to download the correct expansion pack to match your exisiting grid...
Super Core 30 Expansion pack
This expansion pack is designed to allow you to add the new content introduced in the Super Core v2.0 update to an exisiting Super Core grid set (v1.2 or below). To do so you need to download the correct expansion pack to match your exisiting grid...
Super Core 30 Expansion pack PCS
This expansion pack is designed to allow you to add the new content introduced in the Super Core v2.0 update to an exisiting Super Core grid set (v1.2 or below). To do so you need to download the correct expansion pack to match your exisiting grid...
Super Core 30 Expansion pack PCS
This expansion pack is designed to allow you to add the new content introduced in the Super Core v2.0 update to an exisiting Super Core grid set (v1.2 or below). To do so you need to download the correct expansion pack to match your exisiting grid...
Super Core 30 Low Tech
A printable two-sided communication board designed to be used alongside the Super Core 30 vocabulary. Consisting of two grids, the first includes all of the words from the Super Core home grid, plus additional core words, to give access to the...
Super Core 30 Low Tech
A printable two-sided communication board designed to be used alongside the Super Core 30 vocabulary. Consisting of two grids, the first includes all of the words from the Super Core home grid, plus additional core words, to give access to the...
Super Core 30 Low Tech
Een dubbelzijdige communicatiekaart die naast het Super Core 30 vocabulaire kan worden afgedrukt en gebruikt. Eén zijde van de communicatiekaart bestaat uit alle woorden van de hoofdpagina van Super Core, aangevuld met functionele en...
Super Core 30 Low-Tech
En printvenlig to-sidet kommunikationstavle til brug sammen med Super Core 30 ordforrådet. Består af to sider, den første indeholder ordene fra hjemmeskærmen og med ekstra kerneord til en hurtig og effektiv kommunikation. Den anden side...
Super Core 30 PCS
SUPER CORE 30 Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific language, focusing on daily routines and play...
Super Core 30 PCS
SUPER CORE 30 Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific language, focusing on daily routines and play...
Super Core 30 PCS Low Tech
A printable two-sided communication board designed to be used alongside the Super Core 30 vocabulary. Consisting of two grids, the first includes all of the words from the Super Core home grid, plus additional core words, to give access to the...
Super Core 30 PCS Low Tech
A printable two-sided communication board designed to be used alongside the Super Core 30 vocabulary. Consisting of two grids, the first includes all of the words from the Super Core home grid, plus additional core words, to give access to the...
Super Core 30 Widgit
Super Core 30 has the exact same vocabulary as Super Core 50, and is available for users who need fewer and larger cells on each grid. Words may take more selections to get to, but they will be easier for some users to select. This easy-to-use...