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Precisions - Ögonstyrning ( 4-60 rutor. Disney & Superhjältar )
Jesper Picomed

Anpassning tänkt kunna hjälpa till med bedömning av minsta rutstorlek. 6, 12, 20, 30, 42 & 60 rutor Skapad av Smartbox, översatt av Picomed

Predictable chart alternative pencil
Marion Stanton

This grid set enables the emergent literacy learner to experiment with letters. They choose their favourite in each category then have a go at writing it. It doesn't matter what letters they choose. Always praise and give feedback on what they have...

Predictable Chart Writing
Independent Living Centre WA

This grid set has been developed to enable students to participate in Predictable Chart Writing Step 1 (make the sentence) and Step 3 (putting the words in order).

Predictable Chart Writing

This grid set has been developed to enable students to participate in Predictable Chart Writing Step 1 (make the sentence) and Step 3 (putting the words in order).

Prediktiv textinmatning
Leena Lundgren

Textkommunikation med liknande sätt att välja ord som på mobiltelefoner. Lösningen har större rutor och få sidor, vilket gör att användare som behöver större rutor kan få allt på en sida. Lämplig även för ögonstyrning.



Preguntas Taller JEC
Nuevo Amapolas

preguntas taller fonoaudiologia

Preguntes i respostes

preguntes a partir d' una imatge per ornar una frase.

Premiers Mots
Raphael Terrier

Une ressource éducative pour aider les enfants à apprendre et à dire leurs premiers mots. Les élèves se divertiront en voyant les mots et les symboles, en choisissant et en entendant le mot parlé, puis en voyant Amigo en modèliser le sens.

Premiers Mots - version tactile
Smartbox French

Une ressource éducative pour aider les enfants à apprendre et à dire leurs premiers mots. Les élèves se divertiront en voyant les mots et les symboles, en choisissant et en entendant le mot parlé, puis en voyant Amigo en modèliser le sens.

Present Opening
Kerry Vacara - Smartbox

A simple grid set to support communication when opening presents. The three grids include - core based communication grid, message/chat grid and gift grid. All grids can be personalised and edited for the user in Grid 3.


Gli argomenti vengono scelti da chi fa le domande e cassandra poi deve scegliere la risposta che la riguarda

Presidente 2
Laura Nunberg

Breve descrizione delle votazioni per eleggere il nuovo Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella. Foto e simboli. Audio da ascoltare e scritte da riordinare

Pretekár v bludisku - Dotyk
Smartbox Slovak

Dostaň sa von z bludiska a pozbieraj všetky hviezdy, ktoré ležia na ceste. Tieto sady mriežok vyzývajú k výhre! Aktivity Interaktívneho učenia sú vytvorené tak, aby pri výučbe kľúčových zručností motivovali a prinášali zábavu. Súčasťou sady sú...

Prevenção assédio - para crianças
João Cesar

Página dedicada a prevenção e combate à violência sexual Infantil

Príbeh - Generátor nápadov

This grid set is designed to provide random prompts for story ideas focusing on character, setting, time, props and plot. Ideas are generated at random.

Príbeh - Super vety

A Simple grid set created to allow the user to practice writing similes and using powerful adjectives to improve their writing. This grid uses activation order to indicate which part of the sentence should be selected.

Príbeh - Opis postáv a prostredia

A simple grid to support pupils to describe their characters and setting as part of developing story writing skills. Vocabulary can be edited in edit mode.

Príbeh - Postupnosť

This grid set is designed to demonstrate using grid 3 to sequence events in a story. the activities show both errorless and free choice sequencing.

Pričanje simbolima A
Smartbox Croatian

Symbol Talker donosi cjeloviti paket vokabulara osobama koje se u razgovoru žele koristiti simbolima. U njemu su stranice koje potiču na izražavanje mišljenja, kao i one koje se mogu koristiti u školi, kod kuće ili na terapiji.

Pričanje simbolima B
Smartbox Croatian

Vokabular je ovdje organiziran po temama, za korisnike kod kojih se razvija svijest o sastavljanju rečenica. Tematski organizirane mape omogućuju korisnicima sastavljanje rečenica od više dijelova odabirući dvije ili više različitih stavki....

Pričanje simbolima C
Smartbox Croatian

Symbol Talker C korisnicima koji se snalaze u tematski organiziranom vokabularu te mogu kombinirati dvije ili više stavki omogućuje pristup sržnom rječniku relevantnom za neku temu. Pametne gramatičke funkcije pomažu im da razviju sposobnost...