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Symbol Talker C - Touch
Smartbox (AUS)

Symbol Talker C provides a transition for people that have successfully communicated with a topic based vocabulary and are ready to use more language tools to say more. Core vocabulary is the name given to the words we speak most often. In Symbol...

Symbol Talker C - Touch
Smartbox (CA)

Symbol Talker C provides a transition for people that have successfully communicated with a topic based vocabulary and are ready to use more language tools to say more. Core vocabulary is the name given to the words we speak most often. In Symbol...

Symbol Talker C - Touch
Smartbox German

Symbol Talker C stellt den Übergang von den Stategien der Basis-Kommunikation zu komplexeren Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten dar. Ein umfangreiches Vokabular ist bereits auf der Startseite zugänglich.

Symbol Talker C - Touch
Smartbox Spanish

Symbol Talker C ofrece una transición para personas que se comunican bien con el vocabulario organizado por temas y están preparadas para utilizar más herramientas del lenguaje. El vocabulario núcleo es el nombre que se da a las palabras más usadas...

Symbol Talker C - Touch

For users who may be familiar with topic based vocabulary, and able to combine two or more selections, Symbol Talker C gives access to core vocabulary that is relevant to each topic. Smart Grammar also supports users to develop their ability to form...

Symbol Talker C - Touch + Apps

Symbol Talker C provides a transition for people that have successfully communicated with a topic based vocabulary and are ready to use more language tools to say more. Core vocabulary is the name given to the words we speak most often. In Symbol...

Symbol Talker C - Versió per accés tàctil
Smartbox Catalan

Per persones que saben comunicar-se bé amb el vocabulari organitzat per temàtiques i que estan preparades per utilitzar més eines del llenguatge. A través de Symbol Talker C pots accedir al vocabulari base que és rellevant per cada temàtica amb...

Symbol Talker C - version tactile
Smartbox French

Symbol Talker C fournit une transition pour les personnes qui ont réussi à communiquer avec un vocabulaire de base et sont prêts à utiliser plus d'outils linguistiques pour en dire plus. Le vocabulaire de base est le nom donné aux mots que nous...

Symbol Talker C PCS

Symbol Talker C provides a transition for people that have successfully communicated with a topic based vocabulary and are ready to use more language tools to say more. Core vocabulary is the name given to the words we speak most often. In Symbol...

Symbol Talker C PCS Touch

Symbol Talker C provides a transition for people that have successfully communicated with a topic based vocabulary and are ready to use more language tools to say more. Core vocabulary is the name given to the words we speak most often. In Symbol...

Symbol Talker D
Smartbox Swedish

Symbol Talker D har kärn ordförrådet på startsidan. Detta innebär att du kan generera nya meningar mycket snabbt och du behöver bara besöka ämnessidor för att hitta mindre vanliga ord som substantiv. Det smarta grammatikverktyget i Grid 3 hjälper...

Symbol Talker D - aanraken
Smartbox Dutch

Symbol Talker D stimuleert de kern woordenschat op de thuis pagina. Dit houdt in dat u zeer snel nieuwe zinnen kunt maken. Onderwerp pagina's heeft u alleen nodig voor het vinden van minder gebruikelijke woorden, zoals zelfstandig naamwoorden. De...

Symbol Talker D - aanraken
Smartbox Flemish

Symbol Talker D promotes core vocabulary on the home page. This means you can generate novel sentences very quickly and you only need to visit topic pages to find less common words such as nouns. The smart grammar tools in Grid 3 help you generate...

Symbol Talker D - Touch

Symbol Talker D offers four columns of core vocabulary, with topic grids that expand across the page to give access to a wide range of topic words. The grid set also introduces symbolised prediction cells to allow more sentences to be built from the...

Symbol Talker D - Touch
Smartbox (AUS)

Symbol Talker D promotes core vocabulary on the home page. This means you can generate novel sentences very quickly and you only need to visit topic pages to find less common words such as nouns. The smart grammar tools in Grid 3 help you generate...

Symbol Talker D - Touch
Smartbox (CA)

Symbol Talker D promotes core vocabulary on the home page. This means you can generate novel sentences very quickly and you only need to visit topic pages to find less common words such as nouns. The smart grammar tools in Grid 3 help you generate...

Symbol Talker D - Touch
Smartbox (US)

Symbol Talker D promotes core vocabulary on the home page. This means you can generate novel sentences very quickly and you only need to visit topic pages to find less common words such as nouns. The smart grammar tools in Grid 3 help you generate...

Symbol Talker D - Touch
Smartbox (SA)

Symbol Talker D promotes core vocabulary on the home page. This means you can generate novel sentences very quickly and you only need to visit topic pages to find less common words such as nouns. The smart grammar tools in Grid 3 help you generate...

Symbol Talker D - Touch
Smartbox German

Symbol Talker D macht alle wesentlichen Vokabulare bereits auf der Startseite zugänglich. Damit können schnell vollständige Sätze erstellt werden und Sie müssen nur für weniger gängige Begriffe die Ebene wechseln. Die Auto-Grammatik-Funktion erlaubt...

Symbol Talker D - Touch
Smartbox Spanish

Symbol Talker D contiene el vocabulario núcleo en la página de inicio. Esto significa que puedes generar frases nuevas de manera rápida y acceder a las cuadrículas temáticas solo para encontrar palabras menos comunes. Las herramientas de gramática...

Symbol Talker D - Touch

Symbol Talker D offers four columns of core vocabulary, with topic grids that expand across the page to give access to a wide range of topic words. The grid set also introduces symbolised prediction cells to allow more sentences to be built from the...

Symbol Talker D - Touch + Apps

Symbol Talker D promotes core vocabulary on the home page. This means you can generate novel sentences very quickly and you only need to visit topic pages to find less common words such as nouns. The smart grammar tools in Grid 3 help you generate...

Symbol Talker D - Versió per accés tàctil
Smartbox Catalan

Symbol Talker D conté el nucli central de vocabulari a la pàgina d'inici. És a dir, pots generar frases noves ràpidament i només haver d'accedir a les quadrícules temàtiques per trobar parules d'ús menys comú. Les eines de gramàtica intel·ligent de...

Symbol Talker D - version tactile
Smartbox French

Symbol Talker D fournit le vocabulaire de base sur la page d'accueil. Cela signifie que vous pouvez générer de nouvelles phrases très rapidement et que vous avez seulement besoin de visiter les pages de thèmes pour trouver des mots moins courants...

Symbol Talker D PCS

Symbol Talker D promotes core vocabulary on the home page. This means you can generate novel sentences very quickly and you only need to visit topic pages to find less common words such as nouns. The smart grammar tools in Grid 3 help you generate...

Symbol Talker D PCS Touch

Symbol Talker D promotes core vocabulary on the home page. This means you can generate novel sentences very quickly and you only need to visit topic pages to find less common words such as nouns. The smart grammar tools in Grid 3 help you generate...

Symbolikirjoitus A - kosketus
Smartbox Finnish

Symbolikirjoitus A on ruudukkoryhmä symboleilla keskusteluun. Sisältää sanastoa mm. kouluun, kotiin ja terapiaan.

Symbolikirjoitus B - kosketus
Smartbox Finnish

Symbol Talker is a complete vocabulary package for someone who wishes to use symbols to talk. It has pages to prompt opinions, as well as pages for School, Home and Therapy use.

Touch 2
Madlene Becker

01.2010 Grid2 -1b Kommunikationsfläche für Erwaschene - Touch