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Dear Zoo eye gaze - Writing
Keira Smartbox

As you read the story, choose the appropriate adjective for the animal and print off the story you have written at the end of the book.

Regina Camacho Santos

Livro pedagógico Dentinhos Quinta, com a introdução da música "Cantam os animais" de Ricardo Reis Pinto, de seguida com as vozes de alguns animais da quinta (O galo faz ... e eu também ...), as denominadas onomatopeias que são muito usadas nas...

Descobre a letra que falta - P a R
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Consciência fonológica. Acesso por manípulo, pelo olhar ou direto. Educadora Anabela Caiado UTAAC/CRPCCG 2021

Descobre as Cores
CRPCCG 2018 - Lisboa

Jogo de correspondência da cor dos objetos.

Descobre o ditongo na palavra
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Aprendizagem de ditongos. Criada por Anabela Caiado - 2022 CRPCCG/UTAAC

Descobre o erro - 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Frases agramaticais. CRPCCG 2023 - T.F. André Santos


Material creado con los objetivos. - Aumentar vocabulario. - Lugar - Comprende partículas interrogativas ("quién",“qué”, “dónde”). - Comprende masculino/femenino. - Utilizar frases con una estructura adecuada - Adquirir y desarrollar las...

Dia das Bruxas - Atividades 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Atividades de identificação de vogais, ditongos e palavras; cores e quantidades; associação dos números às quantidades. Tabela temática sobre o Dia das Bruxas com 32 células. "O cuquedo e um amor que mete medo" história narrada e atividade com...

Dia dos Namorados 2022

Uma lista de compras em formato de acesso ao computador!

Diana Torrijo Barrado

Comunicador sencillo para elegir alternativas

CRPCCG 2018 - Lisboa

Jogo de descobrir e contar o número de diferenças em cada imagem.

Dilbert the Dog - one cell
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

A Cause and Effect one cell version of Dilbert the Dog Interactive learning activity.

Dilbert the Dog Choices - 8 big cells
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

An 8 cell gridset version of Dilbert the Dog, for people that need bigger buttons.

Dilyn Dilys by Stephen Cartwright
Leigh Wharton

In order to use this grid set you will need to purchase a copy of Dilyn Dilys by Stephen Cartwright. Symbols to support the book Dilyn Dilys by Stephen Cartwright. Link to a Youtube video containing the story.

Disney cinderella story book
The Children's Trust

2 large cells. Simple Disney book

Disney snow white
The Children's Trust

2 large cells. Simple Disney book

Divisão silábica - 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Ordenar as sílabas para escrever a palavra. CRPCCG 2023 - T.F. André Santos

Dobble Game
Michelle Mason

A grid to assist with playing the card game Dobble. Users can either play be selecting symbols (categorised by colour) or by using a keyboard with prediction (based on a Dobble word list). Created by Michelle Mason, SENICT AAC Assistant for...


Simple document editor for writing and editing documents inside Grid 3. I added Add and Remove word from dictionary, music grids, modified print preview, tab button (8 spaces), and speak buttons.

Documents password protection (G2)
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

A "plug in" grid set to support password protection to documents in the Grid 2. The default password is any selection of numbers that add up to 15, but this can be changed

Dolphin EasyReader
AAC Bethany

EasyReader is a free app which makes reading more accessible for readers who are visually impaired, have a neurodiverse condition such as dyslexia or any other print impairment. Sign in to your favourite talking book libraries to find, download...

Domowa biblioteczka
Filip Szafarz

Książki dla użytkowników AAC. kontakt:

Dreamtime Stories

This grid set allows users to choose from 8 YouTube videos, each playing a different Australian Dreamtime story.

DTSL Assistive Technolgy Remote Support

This gridset enables users to allow DTSL Assistive Technology to remotely support any Grid 3 issues. Remote sessions must be arranged by appointment only - contact us on 0800 864-382 (NZ), or, if you want to arrange this. Note:...

Dynamic Screen Starter PCS Eye Gaze
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

Exactly the same as the Widgit symbol version, but with PCS symbols.

Dynamic Screen Starter SymbolStix Eye gaze
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

Dynamic Screen Starter is a simple communication vocabulary for symbol users. These grids provide a structured starting point for developing a larger, personalised communication system. Adapted to include key Eye gaze features

Dynamic Screen Starter WLS Eye Gaze
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

Dynamic Screen Starter is a simple communication vocabulary for symbol users. These grids provide a structured starting point for developing a larger, personalised communication system. They have been adapted to include key eye gaze support features

E Tran Picture User
Cat Onlinegrids

This user is set out like an E Tran frame for symbol/picture users. It is set up for eye gaze, and has small cells in each corner that are not eye gaze activated to allow the communication partner to scaffold the activity, e.g. using the rest cell...