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Dora 3x3
Marit Pelk

Interactief leren. Matching. Lotto Gemaakt door Marit Pelk van QuoVadis NL

Smartbox Croatian

Uđite u čarobnu garderobu da biste izabrali opravu, a zatim zaplešite uz glazbu. Ova komunikacijska mapa pomaže u razvijanju ranih vještina odabira. Aktivnosti interaktivnog učenja osmišljene su kako bi na motivirajuć i zabavan način podučile...

DR Minisjang
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Et Grid Layout til dem som ikke kan få nok af Minisjang. Dette Grid Layout er lavet med maks 6 felter at vælge mellem og er tiltænkt til dem som endnu ikke kan betjene Youtube Kids, men på denne måde meget nemmere kan tilgå videoer fra Minisjang....

DR Minisjang (tilpasset Sara og Magnus stemmer)
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Oplevede du nogle fejl ved den tidligere DR Minisjang? Så er det fordi den var særligt tilpasset Mette og Rasmus stemmerne. Her er der en version som virker bedre med Sara og Magnus talesynteserne.

Dr Who Quiz
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A quiz based on the BBC program Dr Who

Dreamtime Stories
Independent Living Centre WA

This grid set allows users to choose from 8 YouTube videos, each playing a different Australian Dreamtime story.

Dreamtime Stories

This grid set allows users to choose from 8 YouTube videos, each playing a different Australian Dreamtime story.

Drysfa Rasio - Touch
Smartbox Welsh

Find your way out of the maze collecting all the stars on the way. This grid set challenges you to win! Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access skills. The included chat grids enable you to...

Dynamic Screen Starter Web Browser
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A web browser add in for Dynamic Screen starter. To add Web favourites onto the page go to 'Auto content' 'Web Favourites'

Dziki Zachód - wersja na urządzenia dotykowe
Smartbox Polish

Yee-haw cowboys! We’re in the Wild West for this scene, so look out for a musical cactus, a shooting sheriff and more. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be...

Džungľa - Dotyk
Smartbox Slovak

Obrázok džungle je plný tajomstiev divokej prírody, ktoré musíš objaviť! Tieto sady mriežok pomáhajú pri výučbe princípu príčiny a následku a aj v budovaní jazykových zručností. Aktivity Interaktívneho učenia sú vytvorené tak, aby pri výučbe...

Džungle - dotyk
Smartbox Czech

Obrázek džungle je plný tajemství divoké přírody, která musíš objevit! Tyto sady mřížek pomáhají při výuce principu příčiny a následku i v budování jazykových dovedností. Aktivity Interaktivního učení jsou vytvořeny tak, aby při výuce klíčových...

Eagle Paint
Link Assistive

An easy way to launch Eagle Paint from Grid 3, and use the move the mouse without clicks function. Eagle Paint is freeware software download from

Early AAC Activity Grids - Widgit with rest cells
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

A set of symbol communication grids for a range of play activities including bubbles, bricks, Mr Potato Head and instruments. There are two levels - one with six symbols to choose from and one with twelve, with chat pages for each level. All the...

Easter Hide and Seek
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

It is that time of year again, so here are some Easter grids to help you celebrate. Easter Hide and Seek is a very simple game where the user has to catch the easter egg - to help users with visual scanning. If the user clicks on the well...

Easy Player MP3 deutsche Anwendung

Mediaplayer für MP3 ist ein einfacher Mediaplayer um Mediadateien abzuspielen. Es ist möglich auf einzelnen Button Dateien zu stoppen und auch das Design hierzu mit Symbolen selber zu gestalten.

Easy Youtube with save search

Browse and play videos millions of videos from YouTube. Easily save new searches using the 'add search' function.

école - version tactile
Smartbox French

Les Scènes interactives visuelles offrent des scènes animées qui peuvent être activées en effectuant des sélections dans la grille. Elles sont conçues pour enseigner la cause et l'effet ainsi que les premières compétences linguistiques.

Écoute et trouve

Jeu de compréhension verbaleCRF lillers

Ed Sheeran Song Choice
Kelly SALT

Ed Sheeran song choice with YouTube link

Ed Sheeran songs

Ed Sheeran songs for practicing access

Edward Trolls

A simple targeting game with Trolls where symbols move to assess if the user is capable of looking at different areas of the screen. Created by Petar Tica

Eerste Woorde
english 2022

An engaging and educational resource to help children learn and speak their first words. Students will have fun learning language by seeing the words and symbols, making their choice, hearing the word spoken, and then seeing Amigo the robot model...

Eerste Woorde - Tas
Smartbox Afrikaans

An engaging and educational resource to help children learn and speak their first words. Students will have fun learning language by seeing the words and symbols, making their choice, hearing the word spoken, and then seeing Amigo the robot model...

Eerste Woorden
QuoVadis Nederland BV

Een uitdagende en leerzame bron om kinderen te helpen hun eerste woorden te leren en spreken. Leerlingen zullen plezier hebben tijdens het leren van de taal doordat ze woorden en symbolen zien, de uitspraak horen en vervolgens Amigo de robot de...

Eerste Woorden - aanraken
Smartbox Dutch

Een uitdagende en leerzame bron om kinderen te helpen hun eerste woorden te leren en spreken. Leerlingen zullen plezier hebben tijdens het leren van de taal doordat ze woorden en symbolen zien, de uitspraak horen en vervolgens Amigo de robot de...

Eg stavi og skrivi orð
Guðrun Guðjónsson

Í hesum programminum kanst tú venja teir smáu og stóru bókstavarnar, við at skriva smá orð við upp til tríggjar bókstavar. Tú fært eitt sindur av hjálp. Bókstavirnir sum tú skal brúka eru litaðir og verða settir í teir litaðu kassarnar. Um tú...

EK 2024 voetbal
Ron Berendsen

Juich mee met EK 2024 voetbal