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Este teclado poderá ser utilizado para compor as questões aula e outros exercícios para o aluno. HBG

Modeshow - aanraken
Smartbox Dutch

Kies je eigen make up, breng je haar in model en doe te gekke kleren aan…. en dan is het tijd voor de catwalk! Deze grid set helpt je bij het ontwikkelen van vroege keuze maken vaardigheden. Interactief Leren activiteiten zijn ontwikkeld om...

Modeshow - aanraken
Smartbox Flemish

Develop early choice making skills through our Interactive Learning activities. These activities are designed to be motivating and fun whilst teaching key access skills.

Modna pista
Smartbox Croatian

Odaberite šminku, napravite frizuru i odjenite svečanu odjeću... i vrijeme je za modnu pistu! Ova komunikacijska mapa pomaže u razvijanju ranih vještina odabira. Aktivnosti interaktivnog učenja osmišljene su kako bi na motivirajuć i zabavan način...

Moira Scanning 4 Cell Extended w WP Add on
Control Bionics Trilogy - Jill

Personalized Gridset with 2, 4 and 16 cell pages for exploration.

Moja mala djevojčica
Tea Žgomba

pjesmica by Tea Ž.

Mon ballon
IEM Montreuil

Ensemble de page qui tournent autour de l'histoire mon ballon de mario ramos. Divers grilles sont proposées et pour certaines différents niveaux: Reconnaître les animaux de l'histoire, toucher ou suivre des yeux le ballon, image interactive,...

Monay PSRN

Money recognition

monedas y billetes
pablo 2024


Monopólio e Quem é Quem

Com este quadro do GRID 3 pode jogar Monopólio ou Quem é Quem com os seus amigos!

La Fábrica de Palabras

Adaptación del cuento monstruo patas arriba de Agnese Baruzzi. Adaptación realizada para personas con movilidad reducida que no pueden interactuar con el cuento físico, favoreciendo así el uso y convencionalismo que acompaña a la lectura de cuentos...

Mooie meer - Tas
Smartbox Afrikaans

Interaktiewe visuele beelde vertoon geanimeerde beelde wat deur die maak van keuses in die rooster aktiveer word. Hulle is ontwerp vir die ontwikkeling van oorsaak & gevolg en vroëe taal vaardighede.

more and less (4 corners)

Activity designed by my colleague Ellie Bennett for teaching more and less with switches, pointer, or eye tracking. Selecting correct answer plays a sound and goes to next question. Selecting incorrect answer does nothing. A facilitator can...

More and Stop Children's TV Shows
Petar Tica

This is a grid created with the intention of teaching users the language "more" and "stop" in a functional way. It features the programmes: Blaze and the Mighty Machines, Octonauts and Go Jetters (Fully changable if needed). Users can watch the...

More one cell SF

Enables a user to ask for more of an activity

Mosca Fosca

Ver um vídeo de forma acessível e inclusiva.

Mothers Day
Emma H - Smartbox

A simple vocab grid set with activities, games and stories relating to Mothers Day.

mots automne

mots de l'automneà associer

Mountain bike - aanraken
Smartbox Dutch

Help de durfal in Mountainbike om al zijn trucs te tonen, zodat hij zijn parcours kan voltooien. Deze grid set daagt je uit om te winnen! Interactief Leren activiteiten zijn ontwikkeld om motiverend en leuk te zijn tijdens het aanleren van basis...

Mountain bike - aanraken
Smartbox Flemish

Help de dappere Mountainbiker al zijn trucs uit te voeren en het parcours volledig af te leggen. Deze paginaset daagt u uit om te winnen! Activiteiten van Interactief Leren zijn ontworpen om motiverend en leuk te zijn terwijl sleutelvaardigheden...

Mountain Bike - tocco
Smartbox Italian

Help the daring Mountain Biker to perform all his tricks to complete the course. This grid set challenges you to win! Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access skills. The included chat grids...

Mountain Biker
Smartbox Danish

Hjælp den modige Mountain Biker med at udføre alle hans tricks for at gennemføre banen. Dette Grid Layout udfordrer dig til at vinde! Interaktive læringsaktiviteter er designet for at være motiverende og sjove imens at der undervises i sociale...

Mountain Biker
Smartbox Faroese

Hjálp tí djarva dronginum at gera øll síni triks, fyri at gera banan lidnan. Hetta Grid spælið eggjar tær til at vinna! Interaktivir læringsaktivitetir eru gjørdir, fyri at vera eggjandi og stuttligir, samstundis sum undirvíst verður í sosialum...

Mountain Biker - Touch

Help the daring Mountain Biker to perform all his tricks to complete the course. This grid set challenges you to win! Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access skills. The included chat grids...

Mountain Biker - Touch
Smartbox (US)

Help the daring Mountain Biker to perform all his tricks to complete the course. This grid set challenges you to win! Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access skills. The included chat grids...

Mountainbiker - Touch
Smartbox German

Hilf dem Mountain Biker, alle seine Tricks zu machen, damit er die Strecke schafft.. Mit den Rastersets zum interaktiven Lernen sollen spielerisch und motivert Schlüsselqualifikationen erworben werden. Mit Hilfe der Gesprächsraster lernst du, über...

Mountainbiker - Touch
Grid_Oktober23 2023_11_13 2024_01_23

Hilf dem Mountain Biker, alle seine Tricks zu machen, damit er die Strecke schafft.. Mit den Rastersets zum interaktiven Lernen sollen spielerisch und motivert Schlüsselqualifikationen erworben werden. Mit Hilfe der Gesprächsraster lernst du, über...