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Encontra o conjunto certo
CRPCCG-Lisboa 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 e 2024

Jogo de categorização. Criado por Rita Varela - 2022 UTAAC/CRPCCG

Encontra o Igual
CRPCCG 2018 - Lisboa

Jogo para trabalhar o conceito de igual. Quadro com 3 opções.

end of day 2
tracey press

Links to Barefoot Books songs on youtube.

Engelskt tangentbord N

A simple keyboard with colourful keys and symbolised prediction cells.

English - TarHeel Reader
AAC Bethany

Player for TarHeel Reader for online books. (English) Questions/Comments/Requests please contact You can also find me on Instagram and Teachers Pay Teachers.

Enkel kategoriside

Visuelt støtte og påminnelse for personer med ordletingsvansker

Enkel kategoriside
Cognita AS

En enkel kategoribasert kommunikasjonsoppsett for personer med afasi

Enkel kategoriside (2)
Cognita AS

Visuelt støtte og påminnelse for personer med ordletingsvansker

Enkelt tastatur

Et enkelt og fargerikt tastatur med symbolprediksjon.

Enkelt tastatur
Smartbox Norwegian

Et enkelt og fargerikt tastatur med symbolprediksjon.

ENP illico Videotron + TV Sony minimum
Steeve Gauthier

Codes IR pour un décodeur illico de Vidéotron, avec Power et Vol± pour une télé Sony. Ne contient pas les chiffres, mais uniquement le 0 pour entrer le mot de passe par défaut "0000". Pour utilisation avec USB UIRT.

enregistrement messages (2)

page pour enregistrer


Super Core is an easy-to-use core vocabulary designed to help early AAC users experience success with symbol communication. It combines a consistent core vocabulary with context specific language, focusing on daily routines and play activities to...

Ensemble des émotions
IEM Montreuil

Apprendre les émotions ou dire son emotion grâce à une grille toute simple (vocabulaire envoludia)


Activité de description d'images

Entends-tu la syllabe

Conscience phonologique

Entry Level Science - Musical Instruments
Online Grid Bundles

This is a grid set that differentiates one of the modules in KS4 entry level science, from Marion Stanton.

Environment Control - US

A comprehensive grid set for environment control of many devices around the home, along with text communication. Note that this grid set requires The Grid 2.9 (or later).