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Pin number - password
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

This is a grid set for someone to have a pin code lock to part of their grid set. The current pin code is 3-5-7. To reset the pin code go into editing mode on the first page and change the 3 to a jump home. Then change the number you want to a...

Pin number - password
Evane Caldwell

This is a grid set for someone to have a pin code lock to part of their grid set. The current D pin code is 3-5-7. To reset the pin code go into editing mode on the first page and change the 3 to a jumpdddddd home. Then change the number you...

Pinceau magique
Ortho pacec

Développer des compétences précoces en matière de cause et d'effet grâce à nos activités d'apprentissage interactif. Ils sont conçus pour être motivant et amusant tout en enseignant des compétences d'accès.

Pinceau magique - version tactile
Smartbox French

Développer des compétences précoces en matière de cause et d'effet grâce à nos activités d'apprentissage interactif. Ils sont conçus pour être motivant et amusant tout en enseignant des compétences d'accès.

Pincel Mágico - Touch
Smartbox Portuguese

Select a picture and watch the magic brush create a colourful painting before your eyes! This grid set helps develop early cause and effect skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access...

Pink Choosing

Link clients directly to preferred youtube choices, with one consistent Video Player grid for all videos!



Pintar un quadre
Smartbox Catalan

Crea el teu propi quadre escollint una escena i afegint elements necessaris abans de fer la fotografia perfecta. Aquest paquet de quadrícules ajuda a desenvolupar habilitats inicials de presa de decisions. Les activitats d'Aprenentatge...

Piplings Storybook 2 steps
The Children's Trust

2 large cells. Simple Piplings book

Pirate Frank
Charlie Boysan

Symbols for The Treasure of Pirate Frank


Pisanie kura kot pies

Pisani govor
Smartbox Croatian

Tekstualni komunikacijski sustav za pismene korisnike. Text Talker uključuje predikciju i gotovu bazu pohranjenih poruka. Text Talker je napravljen za korištenje s Grid Player-om te donosi i funkciju kopiranja u međuspremnik za jednostavnu...

Pisani govor
Smartbox Slovenian

Mreža besedilne komunikacije za hitro in učinkovito ustvarjanje sporočil. Vključuje predvidevanje besed, zgodovino klepetov, vnaprej shranjene fraze in shranjevanje sporočil. Pomnilniška funkcija vam omogoča, da frazo shranite z enim samim izborom...

Marianna Plotast 2020_02_09€l..clxLCDdx.xq

Dopasowywanie liter do słów, umożliwia układanie liter w prawidłowej kolejności... daje możliwość tworzenia własnych plansz według wzoru

Pisanie qwerty

Pakiet plansz przeznaczony do wspomagania komunikacji za pomocą tekstu, zoptymalizowany do użytku na urządzeniach dotykowych. Pozwala szybko i efektywnie komunikować się.. Zawiera funkcje predykcji, rejestrowania historii rozmów, gotowe zwroty oraz...

Pisanie zdan F
Marianna Plotast 2020_02_09€l..clxLCDdx.xq

Jedna plansza z okolicznikami miejsca

Smartbox Catalan

Un paquet de quadrícules tipus pissarra, adequat només per a accés tàctil. Permet dibuixar o escriure directament amb el dit a la pantalla. Ajusta el gruix i el color del rotulador per adaptar-lo millor al dibuix o missatge. v1.0

Pizza in a mug
Tom M

Hogs pizza

Pizza planner
Ruby 2020_08_24

I made this to help people have some control over what they get on their pizza. I did not use wordlists as I only had a few ingredients, but could be expanded to include more exotic toppings.

PJ Mask (switch)
Amy Robertson

Each grid contains one scanable cell which you can select to hear 30 seconds of a song, you then need to select this cell again to hear a further 30 seconds. Whilst the song is playing, it is not possible to interrupt this. This grid set is...