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Two location simple photos
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

A simple photoviewer grid set where you can choose between looking at photos in your My Photos folder or photos on a memory stick. Includes a chat page for giving and asking opinions about the photos.

two videos with more stop & blank cells (curse of mr bean)

This gridset was made for someone learning the concept of more/stop based on a collaboration with Clare Thomsom. The video will play for 20 to 30 seconds during which time no input will be accepted, then THE VIDEO WILL PAUSE AUTOMATICALLY. After the...

two videos with more stop & blank cells (curse of mr bean) stop always left

This gridset was made for someone learning the concept of more/stop based on a collaboration with Clare Thomsom. The video will play for 20 to 30 seconds during which time no input will be accepted, then THE VIDEO WILL PAUSE AUTOMATICALLY. After the...

Barney Hawes Smartbox

Fast text communication. The start grid has core words with smart verbs, and there's a keyboard for spelling out other words.

Tŷ Hudol - Touch
Smartbox Welsh

There’s nobody home but lot’s going on as you explore the Magic House scene. This grid set helps teach cause and effect as well as early language skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key...


A simple computer control grid set for accessing the Typatone website. NOTE: This grid set is configured to be used with Google Chrome. Other browsers can be used, but the commands may need to be changed.

Types of Clouds

Can spot different types of clouds, with the ability to open the camera to see the clouds on their device if out and about.

U parku
Smartbox Croatian

Istražite prizor iz parka i poigrajte se balonima, mjehurićima i još mnogočime. Ova komunikacijska mapa pomaže u učenju povezivanja uzroka i posljedica, kao i ranih jezičnih vještina. Aktivnosti interaktivnog učenja osmišljene su kako bi na...

U učionici
Smartbox Croatian

Što se danas događa u školi? Istražite prizor iz učionice i saznat ćete. Ova komunikacijska mapa pomaže u učenju povezivanja uzroka i posljedica, kao i ranih jezičnih vještina. Aktivnosti interaktivnog učenja osmišljene su kako bi na motivirajuć i...

U.S Presidential Race
James Hankins

A grid for the U.S Presidential Race.


Wer ist wer ?

Ud i naturen
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Elsker du også aktiviteter ude i naturen? Et sidesæt med aktivitetsbaserede tavler til sommerferien ude i naturen. Indeholder ordforråd til aktiviteterne, musik til lejrbålet samt banko-plader til naturen. Du kan også printe siderne ud til at tage...


Udazkena Miguel

Udforsk hvilke ord der begynder med de forskellige bogstaver dansk

I dette sidesæt kan du undersøge hvilke ord der begynder med de forskellige bogstaver. Sidesættet kan bruges med alle betjeningsformer, og er også tilgængelig med færøsk i grid online hvis man skifter søges prog til færøsk.

UFLI Lesson 35a Short A Review

This is a structured literacy eye gaze grid that aligns with lesson 35a from UFLI Foundations. It includes a small lesson about the short vowel /a/, blending drill with CVC word shapes, word work with CVC word shapes, irregular words review, reading...

UFLI Lesson 35b Nasalized A Review

This is a structured literacy eye gaze grid that aligns with lesson 35b from UFLI Foundations. It includes a small lesson about nasalized /am/ and /an/, blending drill with CVC word shapes, word work with CVC word shapes, irregular words review,...

UFLI Lesson 35c Short A Advanced

This is a structured literacy eye gaze grid that aligns with lesson 35c from UFLI Foundations. It includes a small lesson about short /a/ in words with CCVC and CVCC shapes, blending drill with CCVCC and CVCC word shapes, word work with CCVC/CVCC...

UFLI Lesson 36a Short I Review

This is a structured literacy eye gaze grid that aligns with lesson 36a from UFLI Foundations. It includes a small lesson about the short vowel /i/, blending drill with CVC word shapes, i vs a vowel activity in CVC word shapes, irregular words...

UFLI Lesson 36b Short I Advanced

This is a structured literacy eye gaze grid that aligns with lesson 36b from UFLI Foundations. It includes a small lesson about the short vowel /i/, blending drill with CCVC word shapes, i vs a vowel activity in CCVC/CVCC word shapes, irregular...

Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Lav dit eget ugeskema. Helt uden at gå i redigering. Vælg din aktivitet og placer den et valgfrit sted på ugeskemaet.

Ugeskema (flere felter)
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Ny version! Flere felter pr. dag og plads til flere aktiviteter at vælge imellem. Lav dit eget ugeskema. Helt uden at gå i redigering. Vælg din aktivitet og placer den et valgfrit sted på ugeskemaet.

Uhr - Touch
Smartbox German

Eine einfache Rasteroberfläche die sowohl eine analoge als auch digitale Uhr anzeigt.

UK Politics
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

All everyone has talked about lately is UK politics, as there is a lot going on. But where is the grid for our AAC users to join in. Here is my attempt. By no means complete, but at least a starting point.




Symbol Prat er en pakke med kommunikasjonsoppsett for symbolbrukere. Her finner du sider for å uttrykke meninger, samt sider som omhandler ulike tema som skole, hjem, trening og mye mer.