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Attività Text TalkerCopia
Claudia PROVA

E' un sistema di comunicazione basato sulla tastiera per gli utenti che sanno leggere e scrivere. Include la previsione e una serie di messaggi istantanei già pronti. Ottimizzato per essere utilizzato con Grid Player.

Attività Vocabulary for Life - tocco
Smartbox Italian

Questo gruppo di griglie è indirizzata a giovani adulti che hanno già utilissato ausili per la comunicazione a bassa e/o alta tecnologia. Sebbene il supportom dei simboli sia sempre presente la tabella per la composizione alfabetica delle parole...


jeu du célèbre "attrape lapin", revisité pour une approche visuelle plus constrastée (noir & blanc)

attrape-zèbre grille et distracteurs

jeu du célèbre "attrape lapin", avec ajouts de distracteurs (autres animaux placés dans les grilles)

attrape-zèbre sans grille + distracteurs

jeu du célèbre "attrape lapin", avec ajouts de distracteurs (autres animaux dans les grilles) les cases ne sont pas matérialisées et le fond est donc uni pour plus de clarté pour l'utilisateur


a gridset to control the online music editing software

Jess Wright - Smartbox

This is a grid set to control the audible software. is an Internet provider of spoken audio entertainment, information, and educational programming. Audible sells digital audiobooks, radio and TV programs, and audio versions of...

Martin Page

This Grid Set has been designed to give the user as much control as possible of the Windows Audible app. It was built using a Grid Pad Pro 13 accessed using Tobii eye gaze. I hope it will perform equally well on other compatible devices. Please have...

Audible control for Grid 3
Kat Smartbox

This grid set is designed to allow users basic access to Audible for Windows on PC. This grid set is based on a user having already downloaded the PC manager tool available from

Filip Szafarz

Audiobajki dla użytkowników AAC

Audiobook Player (Gridpad 12)

Grid Layout som gør det muligt at afspille lydbøger gemt på computeren. Grid Layoutet husker hvor du sidst kom til i lydbogen, og kan håndtere alle de lydbøger du ønsker. Programmet Audiobook Player skal hentes i Microsoft Store for at Grid...

Filip Szafarz

Audiobooki dla użytkwoników AAC. Mikołajek i inne chłopaki, Czerwony Kapturek, Królewna Śnieżka i Kubuś Puchatek - posłuchaj ulubionej bajki w wersji audio. Materiały pochodzą z serwisu Miłego słuchania! Kontakt:...

Smartbox Tizzy

A vowel keyboard has been used to make auditory scanning easier.

Auditory Highlighting Practise for children
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

Practice auditory scanning with any scanning technique with two fun activties, including sentence building practise with Amigo, and a grid for conversing about your favourite activities and watch/listen to the opening credits as reward (this...

Auditory Highlighting Practise ITA

Practice auditory scanning with any scanning technique with two fun activties, including sentence building practise with Amigo, and a grid for conversing about your favourite activities and watch/listen to the opening credits as reward (this...

Auditory Scan spell name
Eleanor Primary 2017-23-01

Errorless spelling of name, developed for CVI student

Augen auf App an (deutsch)
ASSISTUK Lars Tiedemann

Zugriff auf Browser-Apps und -Spiele von AssistUK, entwickelt von Lars Tiedemann. Informationen unter Die Anwendungen sind für Augensteuerung optimiert und können kostenlos getestet werden. Für die dauerhafte Nutzung ohne...

Augensteuerung Genauigkeitstest - Motivatorversion

Zielbasierte Aktivität zur Überprüfung wieviel Zellen ein Benutzer erfassen kann. Zur Motivation werden in diesem Rasterset Bilder von einem Clown, verschiedenen Disney Figuren und Marvel Superhelden angezeigt. Die Anzahl der angezeigten Bilder in...

Smartbox Basque

Develop early choice making skills through our Interactive Learning activities. These activities are designed to be motivating and fun whilst teaching key access skills.

aula oficina coral
Olívia Casanova

Aula de música da escola de S. Bruno

cee enric valor

"Mi primer comunicador dinámico" es un conjunto de cuadrículas para la comunicación instantánea. Las cuadrículas ofrecen un camino sencillo para introducir conceptos como la utilización de expresiones o enlaces entre distintas cuadrículas.

Ausschalten & Neustart

Einfaches Gridset für Neustart und Ausschalten des Computers

Ausschalten, Neustart, Standby

Einfaches Gridset für Ausschalten, Neustart und Standby des Computers