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Harmonie - pokus1

Pollo Pepe

Esta es una escena visual basada en el cuento "El Pollo Pepe". de Nick Denchfield y Ant Parker, de editorial SM. Está pensada para facilitar el acceso a la lectura compartida del cuento, a niños y niñas que acceden por mirada y que se encuentren en...

Pop Out Test
Amanda Training

A quick example of potential CVI pop-out grid

Pop Song Choice (2)
SALT Jersey

4 pop song choices

Pop-up Pirate

For GLPs

Marta Soares

Teclado para a escrita das vogais, nome e data. Comunicação básica por simbolos.

Pory roku
Marianna Plotast 2020_02_09€l..clxLCDdx.xq

Nauka pór roku i kojarzących się z nimi elementami

Pory roku

Nauka por roku i najważniejszych elementów

Posisjonerigsguide Gøy

Dette grid-oppsette kan enten starte automatisk når Grid 3 starter eller det kan åpnes fra Grid 3 av bruker. I dette oppsette er det 4 knapper på skjermen; 1. Knapp for å kjøre kalibrering. 2. En knapp for å teste treffsikkerheten. Velg mellom...

Posisjoneringsguide Gøy

I posisjoneringsguiden er det 3 knapper; 1. Knapp for kalibrering. Her kan du forbedre kalibrering, eller kjøre i gang en ny forhåndsbestemt kalibrering. 2. Nøyaktighetstest for 12, 18 og 28 felt. 3. En knapp som tar deg til Grid Utforsker. 4....

Positioning Guide
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

A version of Neil Fitzgerald's Positioning guide grid set but with links to some Core symbolised. This grid set can be set to launch when Grid 3 starts. To do this open Settings > (User Name) > Startup. This is so that a positioning guide is...

Positioning Guide Fun

This grid set can be set to launch when Grid 3 starts. To do this open Settings > (User Name) > Startup. This is so that a positioning guide is shown when Grid 3 is launched. Alternatively it can just be launched from within Grid Explorer as a...

Positioning Guide with Core
Keira Smartbox

This grid set can be set to launch when Grid 3 starts. To do this open Settings > (User Name) > Startup. This is so that a positioning guide is shown when Grid 3 is launched. Alternatively it can just be launched from within Grid Explorer as a...

Power Point
BJ Norte

Paquete de cuadrículas para ejecutar el programa Power Point, abrir una presentación concreta y pasar las diapositivas. Es un ejemplo sencillo, que cada usuario tendrá que personalizar, cambiando la ruta de sus presentaciones.

PPE - Social Story
Jay Tuck - Smartbox

A simple social story to support users to understand why visitors to their home will be wearing PPE and who each of the visitors will be. This version is easy to print.

PPE - Social Story - symbolised
Jay Tuck - Smartbox

A simple social story to support users to understand why visitors to their home will be wearing PPE and who each of the visitors will be. This version has symbolised sentences.

PPT edited SC30

Super Core 30 has the exact same vocabulary as Super Core 50, and is available for users who need fewer and larger cells on each grid. Words may take more selections to get to, but they will be easier for some users to select. This easy-to-use...

Praat met Simbole A - Tas
Smartbox Afrikaans

Praat met Simbole is 'n volledige woordeskat stel vir iemand wat deur middel van simbole wil kommunikeer. Dit sluit bladsye in wat opinies fasiliteer, sowel as bladsye vir Skool, By die huis en Terapie.

Praat met Simbole B - Tas
Smartbox Afrikaans

Praat met Simbole is 'n volledige woordeskat stel vir iemand wat deur middel van simbole wil kommunikeer. Dit sluit bladsye in wat opinies fasiliteer, sowel as bladsye vir Skool, By die huis en Terapie.

Praat met Simbole C - Tas
Smartbox Afrikaans

Praat met Simbole C help met die transisie van 'n onderwerp gebaseerde woordeskat na die gebruik van meer taal vaardighede. Die woorde wat ons die meeste gebruik word kernwoordeskat genoem. In Praat met Simbole C kan jy kernwoordeskat gebruik op...

Praat met Simbole D - Tas
Smartbox Afrikaans

Praat met Simbole D bevorder die gebruik van kernwoordeskat op die tuisblad. Dit stel jou in staat om nuwe sinne vinnig te bou, jy hoef slegs die onderwerp spesifieke bladsye te besoek wanneer jy minder algemene woorde soek. Die grammatika...

Pragmatic Auditory scanning book
Will Wade

A pragmatically organised auditory scanning book - designed to be linear scanned.

PragTalk WLS
Smartbox - The Grid 2

PragTalk is a different approach to vocabulary, intended for very young children. Start by selecting 'good' or 'bad' things to say, and see what options are available.

PragTalk WLS Eye Gaze
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

PragTalk is a different approach to vocabulary, intended for very young children. Start by selecting 'good' or 'bad' things to say, and see what options are available. Adapted to include some eye gaze key functions