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Completa a frase
Marta Soares

Completar as frases com palavras que façam sentido.

Completa a Sequência - vogais
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Atividade para desenvolver o raciocínio lógico. Criada por Anabela Caiado - 2022 CRPCCG/UTAAC


Attività di completamento con sillabe -gaia scuola

Completa la palabra

Gridset diseñado para realizar una tarea sencilla de identificar la letra que falta en cada palabra. Puede ser tomado como idea para ir aumentando su complejidad según la necesidad de cada usuario, y añadir la pronunciación para trabajar la...

Completar frases - frutos e cores - 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Completar a frase com o número de frutos e respetiva cor. Atividade criada pela Educadora Anabela Caiado CRPCCG/UTAAC - 2023



Compõe a palavra - 28 palavras
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Atividade de formação das palavras do Método das 28 palavras. Criada por Anabela Caiado - 2022 CRPCCG/UTAAC

Comprehension Stories
Alexander Gouvelis Grid3

Comprehension Stories by Strange Duck Studio

Comprensión 1


Comprensión lectora 2

Comprensión 1

Comprensión lectora infantil

Comprensión lectora infantil

Computer Control
Control Bionics Trilogy

Siingle grid - Take complete control of Windows and other software. Zoom to Click provides pixel accurate clicking on any target. Other grids give you on-screen keyboard and control of other Windows functions.

Computer Control
Nicole Hollander

Computer Control By Ethan Hollander

Computer Control
Sapna Ramnani

Take complete control of Windows and other software. Zoom to Click provides pixel accurate clicking on any target. Other grids give you on-screen keyboard and control of other Windows functions.

Computer Control - Legacy Version

Computer Control grid set which was originally bundled with Grid 3, and was replaced with an all new version in November 2023. Take complete control of Windows and other software. Zoom to Click provides pixel accurate clicking on any target....

Computer Control 2022 (eye gaze - head tracker) preview

Get an early look at our new Computer Control grid set, and let us know what you think! Take complete control of Windows and other software. From simple mouse clicks to dedicated grids for web browsing and office productivity. Zoom to Click...

Computer control facebook
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

This gridset provides access to Facebook via computer control with Google Chrome including improved functionality.

Computer control facebook - eyegaze
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

This gridset provides access to Facebook via computer control with Google Chrome including improved functionality. This gridset is designed for eyegaze users.

Computer control facebook - Switch
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

This gridset provides access to Facebook via computer control with Google Chrome including improved functionality. This gridset is aimed at switch users.

Computer Control for Apogee Studios

Based on the familiar grid sets for using a mouse pointer in Look to Learn, this is a simple computer control grid set which allows an eye gaze user to move the mouse pointer in Apogee Studios activities. A settings grid enables a facilitator to...

Computer Control for Eye Harp
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

A simple computer control grid set which allows an eye gaze user to move the mouse pointer in the Eye Harp program. A settings grid enables a facilitator to check positioning and calibrate the eye gaze camera.