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Sian 2024_03_08

a way to call for help or get a persons attention when needed . ( on ipad the volume need more work so if u need it louder or quieter etc, use the ipad button on the side of your ipad) i’m working on...

help (2)
Sian 2024_03_08

a way to call for help or get a persons attention when needed . ( on ipad the volume need more work so if u need it louder or quieter etc, use the ipad button on the side of your ipad) i’m working on...

Giacomo Pezzi

Questa attività costituisce "l'indice" per accedere alle diverse attività che costituiscono l'utente HELPIGRIDS KIDS nella versione predisposta per l'utilizzo con il puntatore oculare e che comprende il sistema di comunicazione simbolica ParlaConMe.

Helpot nettilinkit by Tays Tikoteekki

Helppo käyttöpohja ns. pikakuvake-ajatuksella. Muutamia mallilinkkejä ja myös tyhjä sivu, jonne voi jatkaa omia linkkejä, ja toki muuttaa jo olemassaolevia.

Henry 4.7.2019

A topic based vocabulary for beginning AAC users. On each topic grid, users can build simple sentences from one or two selections, using sentence starters and topic words. Grid size is 6x3

Henry the Eighth's Wives

Order Henry the Eighth's infamous wives, and describe how each of them met their end.

Henry VIII and His Wives

A gridset with information on Henry VIII and his wives.

Het oude Egypte - aanraken
Smartbox Dutch

Maak kennis met de sfinx en bekijk te tempel – maar pas op voor de krokodillen als je op onderzoek uit gaat in dit landschap van het Oude Egypte. Deze grid set helpt bij het ontwikkelen van vroege oorzaak en gevolg vaardigheden net als vroege...

Het oude Egypte - aanraken
Smartbox Flemish

Bezoek de sfinx en zie een tempel – maar kijk uit voor de krokodillen terwijl u deze scène van Oude Egypte verkent. Deze paginaset helpt zowel oorzaak en gevolg als basistaalvaardigheden aan te leren. Activiteiten van Interactief Leren zijn...

Heute bin ich ...

Ein einfaches Rasterset, das einen Benutzer dabei unterstützt, zu sagen, wie er sich an diesem Tag fühlt. Emotionen können im Bearbeitungsmodus einfach bearbeitet werden, indem man auf der Startseite die Beschriftung und das Bild ändert....

Hey Siri

This grid set allows the use of Siri on iOS devices, giving you access to text messaging, music, audio books, news, weather, jokes, alarms etc as well as giving control over smart home devices such as lights, sockets and heating. The phrases on...

Hey Siri modified by ComTEC

Updated by ComTEC to change the ‘Alexa stop’ command to ‘Hey Siri, stop’ on all pages. Also updated the Siri setup phrases to the current Siri setup phrases. Also changed suggested pronunciation from ‘Ceri’ to ‘Sirri’ as it sounds better for the...

Heze’s High Contrast 2x2+Side Bar
Hezekiah Stuehr

This is a high contrast, symbol based grid set; intended for emergent learners with limited or no experience with AAC.

High Contrast (4 cells)

High contrast 4 cells communication board. Similar to TouchChat 4 Basic SS.

High contrast Build up AAC

An adapted version of build up AAC using high contrast symbols.

High contrast Build up AAC 2

An adapted version of build up AAC using high contrast symbols.

High Frequency Words Sentence Making
Emersons Green Primary School

Read the sentence, hide the sentence if you like, recreate the sentence. 96 simple sentences containing High Frequency Words (sight words) from the Letters and Sounds Phase 2 to 5 progression. An excellent learning/teaching resource for emerging...


Himno de Andalucía cantado por niña

Histoire - Du balais!
Aude B

CRF-histoire interractive

CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Desenvolver a criatividade promovendo a organização do discurso.

Historia - Fyrvägs alternativ
Jesper Picomed

This grid set is for telling stories. There are four stories, about a king, an old man, a robot and a burglar. You can tell the stories as they are meant to be told, or you can mix them up to make your own crazy story. Original created by:...

História Casa do Filipe
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Tabela de comunicação para a História "Casa do Filipe" Educadora Vânia Lopes CRPCCG/UTAAC 2021

Historias sociales - plantilla

Una serie de plantillas de Historias Sociales para Grid 3 y Grid for iPad con instrucciones para crear tus propias historias sociales. Esta cuadrícula utiliza 'Comandos de cuadrícula' en cada página. Estos comandos los puedes encontrar en modo...

Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Fortæl din egen historie. Der er 4 historier - en om en konge, en ældre mand, en robot og en tyv. Du kan fortælle historierne som de er, eller du kan mixe dem for at lave en skør historie!

Historien om Den sultne farve-larve

Dette sidesæt er historien om den sultne farve larve, som har brug for en masse forkselligt farvet mad, for at kunne blive en smuk sommerfugl. Historien er tænkt til at give mulighed for selv at læse - dermed ikke sagt, at man skal sidde alene....

Nicole Hunter

A phonetic keyboard with upper and lowercase letters