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Zasnežené mesto

Síce sneh leží na stromoch i strechách Zasneženého mesta, ale na obrázku je veľa vecí, ktoré môžeš objaviť. Tieto sady mriežok pomáhajú pri výučbe princípu príčiny a následku a aj v budovaní jazykových zručností. Aktivity Interaktívneho učenia sú...

Zasnežené mesto - Dotyk
Smartbox Slovak

Síce sneh leží na stromoch i strechách Zasneženého mesta, ale na obrázku je veľa vecí, ktoré môžeš objaviť. Tieto sady mriežok pomáhajú pri výučbe princípu príčiny a následku a aj v budovaní jazykových zručností. Aktivity Interaktívneho učenia sú...

Zayn’s Grid ( Super Core Learning)
PALS Preschool

The Super Core Learning grids offer a gentle progression to the full Super Core symbol vocabulary, and an opportunity to build confidence with symbol AAC. They include all of the daily and play activity vocabulary from Super Core, alongside a...



Zdravie ženy

Táto mriežka bola navrhnutá tak, aby podporila komunikáciu o zdraví žien. Môže ich použiť zdravotnícky pracovník na pomoc, aby porozumel tomu, čo sa deje, napr. ak je test alebo vyšetrenie nevyhnutné. Môže ju používať aj niekto, aby...

Zegar - wersja na urządzenia dotykowe
Smartbox Polish

Prosty pakiet plansz z zegarem w formie cyfrowej i analogowej.


Dwa zegary

Zeko i potočić
Tea Žgomba

učenje pjesmice "Zeko i potočić" by Tea Ž.

Filip Szafarz

Quiz dla użytkowników AAC


Symbol Talker D promotes core vocabulary on the home page. This means you can generate novel sentences very quickly and you only need to visit topic pages to find less common words such as nouns. The smart grammar tools in Grid 3 help you generate...

zoé com

ensembles de grilles simplifié à partir "bavard"

zoé comm

cahier de communication de Zoé adaptée depuis "bavard"

Zoe's Fireworks
Aimee Donovan

Run your own explosive firework display, with favourites such as arocket, sparklers more! This grid set helps develop early cause and effect skills. Interactive Learning activities are designed to be motivating and fun while teaching key access...

Zoom Computer Control
english 2022

A Computer Control Grid Set for use with Zoom Desktop App.

Z's Cake Factory-- 2 Choices, No Distractions
Kevin A

Inspired by a grid set by Gemma Hughes, the choices for this activity appear on a separate page from the animation in order to accommodate emergent AAC skills, visual impairment, and slow processing speed. Feedback welcomed:

Z's Dilbert Dog-- 2 choices, no distractions
Kevin A

Based on a grid set by Gemma Hughes, this version has been modified to accommodate visual impairments. Choices appear on a separate page from the animation. Feedback welcomed:

Z's Disney vs Trees
Kevin A

Based on a grid set by Petar Tica, this Disney-themed target/foil game has been further modified to accommodate emergent AAC skills and visual impairment. The user must choose between Disney video clips and a foil, ensuring that a purposeful choice...

Z's Foil Game 2-- Cookie Monster
Kevin A

This Cookie Monster-themed target/foil game accommodates emergent AAC skills, visual impairment, and slow processing speed. The user must choose between Cookie Monster audio clips and a foil, ensuring that a purposeful choice is being made....

Z's Foil Game 3-- Elmo
Kevin A

This Elmo-themed target/foil game accommodates emergent AAC skills, visual impairment, and slow processing speed. The user must choose between Elmo audio clips and a foil, ensuring that a purposeful choice is being made. Feedback welcomed:...

Z's Foil Game 4-- Dora
Kevin A

This Dora the Explorer-themed target/foil game accommodates emergent AAC skills, visual impairment, and slow processing speed. The user must choose between Dora YouTube clips and a foil, ensuring that a purposeful choice is being made. An internet...

Z's Foil Game 5-- Dora ('Backpack' Song Only)
Kevin A

This Dora the Explorer-themed target/foil game accommodates emergent AAC skills, visual impairment, and slow processing speed. The user must choose between Dora's 'Backpack' song and a foil, ensuring that a purposeful choice is being made. An...