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Calendar 2023
Dave Greenwood - Smartbox

A user controlled calendar for 2023. The calendar app for Grid 3 was developed by Jamie Preece, an AAC user living in the UK who uses a joystick to operate his device. Smartbox worked with Jamie to complete the app based on his original idea.

Calming activities
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

Inspired by AT Therapies Calm grid set and the Mental Health toolkit in Voco Chat. This is a high visibility Mindfulness resource for people when you need to take a step back and relax. Version 1.0 Please do send any feedback to me at...

Cámara - Touch
Smartbox Spanish

Haz fotos con la cámara y luego mira las fotos.

Câmara - Touch
Smartbox Portuguese

Tire fotografias com a sua webcam e depois veja o resultado.


Take photos using your device camera and then view the photos.

Ralphy Garrad

Take photos using your device camera and then view the photos.

Smartbox Catalan

Fes fotos amb la càmera i després mira-les.

Camera - aanraken
Smartbox Dutch

Maak foto's met de camera van uw apparaat en bekijk ze vervolgens.

Camera - aanraken
Smartbox Flemish

Take photos using your device camera and then view the photos.

Camera - Touch
Smartbox Welsh

Take photos using your device camera and then view the photos.

Caméra - version tactile
Smartbox French

Prenez des photos à l'aide de l'appareil photo de votre appareil, puis visualisez les photos.

Camera voice
Norwood AT

Take photos using your device camera and then view the photos. Updated for easier access via the new Voice control feature within Grid 3. Feel free to edit/adjust and share these apps. I have updated all the accessible apps with added...

CamOn הצבעה בעיניים

הצבעה בעיניים בשילוב עם Tobii Ghost מאפשר פעולה ישירה על המציאות.


Canciones infantiles en castellano y catalán para acompañar las rutinas

Candy Crush - Windows Store
Jesper Picomed

Denna anpassning kräver att Candy Crush från Windows Stor är installerat.

Carol's MME grids

This is an edited version of Symbol Talker C, part of The Grid software for use on devices such as touch screen devices, eye gaze as well as computers. It is extremely flexible and can be tailored to the needs and abilities of the person using it....

Chatterbox for Grid Player

For people who like to talk.

check my eyes
Andy Banns

This is an extremely simple grid set that has been created purely to quickly check the postioning of an Eyegaze user in relation to their screen. This can be quite useful if an Eyegaze user moves around a lot or their equipment is repositioned.

check my eyes

This is an extremely simple grid set that has been created purely to quickly check the postioning of an Eyegaze user in relation to their screen. This can be quite useful if an Eyegaze user moves around a lot or their equipment is repositioned.

Denae Morris

2x4 simple gridset for kids, interactive learning, videos with Youtube.


Elegir entre 6 opciones y dentro de esas seis opciones dos variables. Para la hora de elegir ocio como el cine tenerlo más determinado.

Clapping and cheering
Melissa. Jane Allan

Because of yesterday's clap for the NHS. It got me thinking about those who could not fully take part. Well now they can with this grid. It is an easy grid to navigate there are two hidden cells one a back button and the other is a blank they are...

Clavier 2 Hit - FR_modifié AB_août 20

2 Hit Keyboard - French Inspiré de Modifié par Annie Bergeron

Cloc - Touch
Smartbox Welsh

A simple clock grid set with both digital and analogue displays.


A simple clock grid set with both digital and analogue displays.

Ralphy Garrad

A simple clock grid set with both digital and analogue displays.