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3 times table
Online Grid Bundles

This grid bundle was added by Pam Smart, and checks that a pupil knows the 3x table. Uses the wordprocessor workspace so work can be printed

3_ Letras P, S, L
Elena Aula Julià

Material de lectoescritura progresiva. Se presentan en diferentes paquestes de cuadrículas: 1- Letra P 2- Letras P, S 3- LetrasP, S, L 4_ Letras P, S, L, M

30 Location
FRS Custom Solutions

A 30 cell density categorical based communication system providing for the fastest message selection for common pragmatically based situations. The category based system also allows for quick customization to incorporate personal information and...

30 Location ALS
FRS Custom Solutions

A 30 cell density categorically and pragmatically based communication system containing pertinent communicative information specific to individuals with ALS providing for the fastest message retrieval. The category based system also allows for...

30 Location ALS B&W
FRS Custom Solutions

A 30 cell density categorically and pragmatically based communication system containing pertinent communicative information specific to individuals with ALS providing for the fastest message retrieval. The category based system also allows for...

30 Location Junior
FRS Custom Solutions

A 30 cell density categorical based communication system providing for the fastest message selection for common pragmatically based situations including a large selection of school based vocabulary such as classroom quick talk messages and subject...

30 Location Junior
FRS Custom Solutions

A 30 cell density categorical based communication system providing for the fastest message selection for common pragmatically based situations including a large selection of school based vocabulary such as classroom quick talk messages and subject...

4 choice - errorless
Bridges Canada Leanne

Simple, errorless, 4-choice board to engage students with practicing eye gaze selection. Populated with choices of celebrities and snack foods.

4 in the bed
Judy King

This gridset allows errorless choosing of numbers 1 - 4 in the song with eye gaze rests for counting

4- Letras P, S, L, M
Elena Aula Julià

Material de lectoescritura progresiva. Se presentan en diferentes paquestes de cuadrículas: 1- Letra P 2- Letras P, S 3- LetrasP, S, L 4_ Letras P, S, L, M

4 Location
FRS Custom Solutions

A 4 cell density categorical based communication system providing for the fastest message selection for common pragmatically based situations. The category based system also allows for quick customization to incorporate personal information and...

4 Location Junior
FRS Custom Solutions

A 4 cell density categorical based communication system providing for the fastest message selection for common pragmatically based situations including a large selection of school based vocabulary such as classroom quick talk messages and subject...

Anna Morena Tafuro

4 novembre_maestraAnnaMorena

4 Puzzles - 4, 9 e 12 peças
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

4 Puzzles com 4 imagens para selecionar e formar o puzzle de 4, 9 ou 12 peças. Educadora Anabela Caiado UTAAC/CRPCCG 2021

4 times table
Online Grid Bundles

This grid bundle was added by Pam Smart, and checks that a pupil knows the 4x table.

4th of July activities
Natasha Roberts - Smartbox

Recite the Pledge of Allegiance, learn about the Declaration of Independence, and find out why we celebrate the 4th of July. Includes a chat board with questions, comments, positives and negatives.

5 patinhos
CRPCCG 2018 - Lisboa

Canção dos "5 Patinhos" adaptada com símbolos pictográficos.

5 times table
Online Grid Bundles

This grid bundle was added by Pam Smart, and checks that a pupil knows the 5x table.

7 sacred teachings
SR SP 2023

Seven sacred teachings. This grid has images of the seven animals along with the guiding principles for First Nation teachings.

8 Location
FRS Custom Solutions

A 8 cell density categorical based communication system providing for the fastest message selection for common pragmatically based situations. The category based system also allows for quick customization to incorporate personal information and...

8 Location Junior
FRS Custom Solutions

A 8 cell density categorical based communication system providing for the fastest message selection for common pragmatically based situations including a large selection of school based vocabulary such as classroom quick talk messages and subject...


mi nombre empieza con A. Atilio

A LAGARTINHA MUITO COMILONA - história e atividades
Helena Delgado (Liliete Santos)

História e conjunto de atividades em torno da história de Eric Carle "A Lagartinha muito comilona". 1- História narrada e acompanhada por símbolos SPC e Arasaac. 2- Questões sobre a história, com pictogramas. 3- Exercício de contagens. 4-...

A letra em falta

APCM - Associação de Paralisia Cerebral da Madeira


Desde la Fundación Nemo, hemos creado un Gridset con seis juegos. Jugaremos con colores, sonidos, números, formas, tamaños y buscaremos iguales. Espero lo disfruten. Es compatible con GRID FOR IPAD Modificado para nivel inicial.

A que sabe a lua
CRPCCG 2018 - Lisboa

Ler a História "A que sabe a lua?" e Jogo de lembrar, ouvir, compreender e selecionar a resposta, baseado na história.

A red hot pet
hayley smith

Story with pictures. Suitable for KS2 children. Grid will read story aloud.