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Christmas Counting
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

It is that time of year again, so here is some Christmas grids to help you celebrate. This is a simple game where the user has to count how many objects they can see. A number line has been supplied to help the user pick the right amount....

Christmas Dinner Wordlist
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

This wordlist will help users choose what they want for their Christmas dinner and because it has been designed as a wordlist it is easy to add in any extras I may have missed out. If you need help with wordlists then please look at Training card...

Christmas Find the Present
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

It is that time of year again, so here are some Christmas grids to help you celebrate. Christmas find the picture is a very simple game where the user has to help Father Christmas find the hidden presents - to help users with visual scanning....

Christmas Games
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A collection of games such as matching, odd one out and a puzzle game

Christmas Hide and Seek
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

It is that time of year again, so here are some Christmas grids to help you celebrate. Christmas Hide and Seek is a very simple game where the user has to catch the present - to help users with visual scanning. This is mainly designed to help...

Christmas Jigsaw Angel
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

It is that time of year again, so here is some Christmas grids to help you celebrate. Christmas Jigsaw Angel very simple grid where users have to pick the piece that is missing from the jigsaw puzzle. This is mainly designed to help motivate...

Christmas Jigsaw Penguins
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

It is that time of year again, so here are some Christmas grids to help you celebrate. Christmas Jigsaw Penguin is a very simple grid where users have to pick the piece that is missing from the jigsaw puzzle. This is mainly designed to help...

Christmas Jigsaw Snowman
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

It is that time of year again, so here are some Christmas grids to help you celebrate. Christmas Jigsaw Snowman is a very simple grid where users have to pick the piece that is missing from the jigsaw puzzle. This is mainly designed to help...

Christmas Matching
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

It is that time of year again, so here are some Christmas grids to help you celebrate. Christmas Matching is a simple game where the user has to match the picture to one of the three choices below. This is mainly designed to help motivate the...

Christmas Music Videos
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A collection of Christmas Youtube videos playing inside of Grid 3. You will need an internet connection for them to play.

Christmas Odd One Out
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

It is that time of year again, so here are some Christmas grids to help you celebrate. Christmas odd one out is a simple game where the user has to pick which one of the three pictures is the odd one out. This is mainly designed to help...

Christmas Shadows
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

It is that time of year again, so here are some Christmas grids to help you celebrate. Christmas Shadows is a simple game where the user has to match the shadow to one of the three choices below. This is mainly designed to help motivate the...

Christmas Word List
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

This wordlist will help users talk about Christmas and because it has been designed as a wordlist it is easy to add in any words I may have missed out. If you need help with wordlists then please look at Training card 14 (this can be located in...

Christmas Word Matching
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

It is that time of year again, so here are some Christmas grids to help you celebrate. Christmas word matching is a simple game where the user has to match the word to one of the three choices below. This is mainly designed to help motivate...

Colour Hidden Pictures
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

When the user selects the correct cell it will disappear gradually revealing a picture. The cells covering the picture are a 3 by 3 grid, so there is 9 answers to select before the user receives their reward. By adding/deleting rows and columns...

Counting Simple
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

This is a simple game where the user has to count how many animals they can see. A number line has been supplied to help the user pick the right amount. To create your own cells with more then one symbol in use paint (or another piece of...

Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

Allows the user to throw either one dice or two die to join in with games

Dice for Grid 3
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

Grid set for throwing a dice

Dilbert Dog 2 choices no distractions
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

Dilbert Dog 2 choices - no distractions. With this grid set the choices are on a separate page to the animation.

Dilbert the Dog - one cell
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A Cause and Effect one cell version of Dilbert the Dog Interactive learning activity.

Dilbert the Dog - two cell
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A Cause and Effect two cell version of Dilbert the Dog Interactive learning activity.

Dilbert the Dog Choices - 8 big cells
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

An 8 cell gridset version of Dilbert the Dog, for people that need bigger buttons.

Dr Who Quiz
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A quiz based on the BBC program Dr Who

Dynamic Screen Starter Web Browser
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A web browser add in for Dynamic Screen starter. To add Web favourites onto the page go to 'Auto content' 'Web Favourites'

Easter Hide and Seek
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

It is that time of year again, so here are some Easter grids to help you celebrate. Easter Hide and Seek is a very simple game where the user has to catch the easter egg - to help users with visual scanning. If the user clicks on the well...

Emoji icons
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

Emoji icons for inbuilt Facebook and twitter for Grid 3. Once added to your Grid Explorer go to grid set you want to add it into go Menu - Edit - Grid Set - Add from another grid set and you can select to add this page in.

Eye gaze - simple mouse dwell click
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

This grid set has a track status, and rest cell. It sets the mouse control method to move mouse pointer and dwell to click. It also automatically puts a left click lock on for ease of use. (These are set on the grid commands and can be changed if...

Eye Gaze Assessment
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A set of grids designed to assist with eye gaze assessments. Activities include target practice, assessment keyboards and sample symbol communication boards.

Eye Gaze Plug-In
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A plugin grid for people using eye gaze, providing track status window and dwell time settings.

Eye Gaze Sectors
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

This user has been designed with an eyegaze user in mind, to try and make access easier. The vocabulary has been broken up into 4 groups when a user picks a certain group they will then jump to a page that will have that vocabulary on. These...