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Procura os animais da quinta - 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Atividade de procura dos animais através das silhuetas. Final com ligação ao YouTube. Elaborado por Vânia Lopes CRPCCG/UTAAC 2023

Scène visuelle Pâques COMAUTREMENT
Pascale Gracia

Une scène visuelle pour apprendre à explorer un écran et découvrir la relation cause à effet. La consigne est énoncée automatiquement dès l'ouverture de l'application.

Shelby Test

Shelby Test

Symbol talker C PAOLINA
Paroldi Paola

Symbol Talker C fornisce uno strumento comunicativo per il passaggio graduale ad una comunicazione più ricca a persone che usano già efficacemente un vocabolario di base. Symbol Talker C offre la possibilità di comporre una gamma più varia di frasi...

The big box
Rachel SALT

colourful semantics

The haircut
Rachel SALT

colourful semantics

Virtual DJ - Jac

For Oli - a grid for controlling the DJ'ing software 'Virtual DJ'

Anna Morena Tafuro

1 MAGGIO_maestraAnnaMorena

[VOLCAN] brossage dent
Sabine ergo

CRF brossage de dents


Desde la Fundación Nemo, hemos creado un Gridset con seis juegos. Jugaremos con colores, sonidos, números, formas, tamaños y buscaremos iguales. Espero lo disfruten. Es compatible con GRID FOR IPAD

Oli Lee

Adap PODD 3x4 grid

1 cell music
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

This grid set is designed to help users getting started with switch scanning. Each grid contains one scanable cell which you can select to hear 30 seconds of a song, you then need to select this cell again to hear a further 30 seconds. Whilst...

1 single item

Gridset shown in CM2018 presention titled Augmentative and Alternative Communication Provision Pathway: Single item activation to linking ideas and navigating (slides available on ) Example of conversation grid with single...