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Skriv et kort til en du godt kan lide

Nu er det snart valentinsdag, og måske du har lyst til at skrive et brev til en du godt kan lide, eller som betyder noget særligt for dig. Dette sidsesæt giver dig forslag til, hvad du kan skrive. Det er med symboler, men du kan også bruge...

Skype - børneudgaven med sætninger
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Åbner op for Skype i Windows, således brugeren kan foretage videoopkald. Dette er en meget simpel udgave, og derfor er computerkontrollen med museklik fjernet og skiftet ud med færdige sætninger til samtalen. Det kræver derfor en hjælper til at...

Skype Français, minimum.
Steeve Gauthier

Fonctionne avec Skype version française 6.20.104 (pour bureau Windows 8.1 x64), en date du 15 septembre 2014.

Tea Žgomba

slikopriča-slaganje stihova i rečenica by Tea Ž.

Slovník pro situace u lékaře
Lenka Říhová

Sada mřížek se slovníkem pro komunikaci s lékaři nebo pobytu v nemocnici (přeloženo a upraveno z anglického originálu)

Small Symbol Talker C

For users who may be familiar with topic based vocabulary, and able to combine two or more selections, Symbol Talker C gives access to core vocabulary that is relevant to each topic. Smart Grammar also supports users to develop their ability to form...

snak om dagen i dag

Dette Grid layout kan bruges i forbindelse med morgensamling, det giver mulighed for, at snakke om ugedag, måned, årstal, vejret, årstid, påklædning, hvad skal vi have på, hvordan er mit humør lige nu, og spørge ind til samtalepartneren. Sidesættet...

Snowman Decorating Activity
Judy King

Decorate your Snowman using Grid 3, choosing from a range of fun, festive decorations. Grid set includes chat page to discuss your creations, and the oportunity to print once complete.

Social and Communication
Marion Stanton

This Grid set supports Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) communication and social goals through You Tube tunes.

Social Networking
Beaumont College

A new version of our social networking gridset which includes Twitter, Facebook and Skype and works with the latest version of these social networks as of 21st December 2011. It uses the full version of the websites, rather than just the cut down...

Social Stories - Template

A series of templates for Social Stories for Gid 3 and Grid for iPad with instructions for creating your own social stories. This grid uses 'Grid Commands' on each page, these can be found in edit mode under the grid tab. There are also...

Social Stories -Template
Smartbox Academy

A series of templates for Social Stories for Gid 3 and Grid for iPad with instructions for creating your own social stories. This grid uses 'Grid Commands' on each page, these can be found in edit mode under the grid tab. There are also...

Social Story - what happens when we eat and drink

A simple introductory social story about what happens when we eat and drink and why we need to use the toilet.

Som s ou z
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Discriminar auditivamente os pares minimos /s/ e /z/. Desenvolver a consciência fonológica dos sons supracitados.

Something's wrong
NeuroNode NEW

Waz somthings wrong

amy faulkner

Finn song

Newfield School

6 symbol edit

tracey press

6 symbol edit

Sons do Ambiente

Um parceiro digital para os contextos de música.

Sons iniciais
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Atividade de consciência fonológica Criada por Anabela Caiado - 2022 CRPCCG/UTAAC

Sont conna
James Scammell

A game for ........ zombies chiefs of zombie police 👮‍♂️ need your support and help Thankyou