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WordPower WLS B

WordPower B is designed for children with good single word vocabulary but new to combining words. It aims to facilitate class participation in a range of activities. Children should have a good access method before moving up to this level. This...

WordPower WLS C

WordPower C is aimed at students needing to broaden their vocabulary and develop their use of sentence structure for more independent communication. This version uses Widget symbols.

WordPower WLS D

WordPower D is aimed at students who wish to use correct syntax and more complete sentences, need to build up speed of communication and who wish to integrate their communication aid use with independent access to other functions such as word...

WordPower WLS Keyboard

WordPower Keyboard is designed for very competent users. It has more core vocabulary and a keyboard on the top page. This version uses Widget symbols.

Would You Rather
Emersons Green Primary School

Would You Rather questions grid. Ask randomly selected 'Would You Rather' questions, then decide if you agree with your communication partner.

WP Pathway PCS Keyboard for Grid 3
Jessica MacRae - Smartbox

This level is designed for very competent users. It has more core vocabulary on the top page. A keyboard is provided on a separate page. This version uses PCS symbols and includes accessible apps.

Writing - with editing
Sarah Matson

Written communication grid set ideal for users at any literacy level. Designed for users with mild low vision difficulties. Includes keyboard with option for phonetic feedback, spelling keyboard without word prediction, a page to share news/journal...

Writing Tools
Independent Living Centre WA

Four custom made writing tools where users can select letters to write. This gird can be edited to suit a individuals needs e.g. highlight vowels or letters in their name. Includes alphabetical upper and lower case keyboards and 2-hit option. This...

Writing Tools

Four custom made writing tools where users can select letters to write. This gird can be edited to suit a individuals needs e.g. highlight vowels or letters in their name. Includes alphabetical upper and lower case keyboards and 2-hit option. This...

Writing with Symbol Support
Sarah Matson

Grid set ideal for early literacy user who need support for written communication. Designed for users with low vision. Includes keyboard with phonetic and symbol support, word/picture writing area, journal/news sharing area, spelling keyboard...

Wszystkich Świętych
Filip Szafarz

Wszystki Świętych

Steeve Gauthier

Contrôle des modules X-10, 1 à 16, ON/OFF, DIM/BRT, ALL ON/ALL OFF. Fonctionne autant avec les modules "Appliance" que "Lamp". Pour utilisation avec USB UIRT et IR543 Command center.

X-10, minimum
Steeve Gauthier

Contrôle de deux modules X-10 1 et 2, ON/OFF pour utilisation avec USB UIRT et IR543 Command center.

Y'a un loup ! - Matthieu Maudet

TLA du livre "Y"a un loup !" de Matthieu Maudet. Edition : loulou & compagnie / l'école des loisirs

Yes no

Yes no

Yes No Grid for Chace
Sarah Wakabayashi

yes no simple lower field so area at top of screen is not activated when student rests his eyes up

Yes No Something Else

Yes/no/something else

Yes or No
Rosalind Angier

Binary choice

Youpi Oh

chanson youpi oh, mise en picto/texte

youtube - puntamento oculare
elena 2018-10-01

Serie di griglie realizzata traducendo e modificando l'utene "youtube for kids" in modo da essere utilzzabile tramite controllo oculare. Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili al link...

Youtube video
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

I Grid findes der et integreret sidesæt til Youtube brugerne. Til dem som har behov for et mere simpelt udtryk, så kan denne skabelon bruges til at personliggøre et sidesæt med direkte adgang til Youtube videoerne. Se vejledningen i Grid Layoutet...

Youtube video højkontrast
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Et sidesæt med højkontrast farver. Der ligger 8 videoer tilgængeligt, og du har mulighed for at lave dine egne også. Dette Grid Layout virker kun med forbindelse til wi-fi forbindelse. V. 1.0