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Vamos contar os dinossauros
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Dinossauros Jogo de associação do número à quantidade. Criado por Rita Varela - 2022 UTAAC/CRPCCG

Växla till Mind Express 5
Jesper Picomed

Denna anpassning är skapad för att kunna växla mellan Grid 3 och Mind Express 5.

veMail DE 140321
Vitali Exter

veMail ist ein EMail-Client für Fast Talker 2. Da The Grid 2 nur ein EMail-Konto pro Raster-Set verwalten kann, lassen sich mehrere Konten durch Klonen von veMail verwalten. Diese können anschließend mittells Benutzer-Wechsels mit dem Hauptbenutzer...

veo veo

El tradicional juego de búsqueda adapatado a Grid 3, consiste en un tablero y tarjetas de búsqueda, para ello hemos realizado una cuadrícula principal con la misma imagen del tablero de búsqueda, y hemos selecionando solo aquellos elementos...


Uma tabela de comunicação com verbos, simples e pronta a usar, tanto como baixa ou alta tecnologia.

Vídeo Beijinho

Ouvir a história "De que cor é um beijinho?"

Vídeo Cordas

Um teclado GRID 3 que inicia automativamente o filme "Cordas". Para este efeito usamos a opção "Comandos" do separador "Teclados". "Cuerdas" é uma curta-metragem de Pedro Solís García.

video game communication
Daniel Cooper

This is a starter gridset for use with a video game console.

Viikko-ohjelma - Kuulumiset - tms.

Viikkokalenteri, Viikko-ohjelma, kuulumiset, kerronta. Tässäpä tälläinen valmis pohja mihin voi käyttäjä/lähi-ihmiset voivat lisätä kuulumisia suoraan Grid käyttötilassa. - Klikkaa Lisää tapahtuma - Kirjoita viesti - Klikkaa lisää tapahtuma...

Jesper Picomed

Denna anpassning vilar ögonstyrningen ute i Grid utforskaren.

Visita ao Oceanário - animais - 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Tabela de comunicação com animais. Elaborado por Vânia Lopes CRPCCG/UTAAC 2023

Visita ao Oceanário - animais e características - 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Tabela de comunicação com animais e características. Elaborado por Vânia Lopes CRPCCG/UTAAC 2023


Um exemplo de um teclado com Visual Scenes.

Visual Scenes

Um exemplo de um teclado com Visual Scenes.

Visual support sequence
Smartbox Academy

In this activity encourages following a sequence independently. The activation order command means the cells can only be selected in order. These can be personalized with the symbols that the individual uses. The topic can also be changed to support...

Vocab for Life Eye Gaze
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

This is a version of Vocabulary For Life that has been adapted for eye gaze use. This grid set is aimed at young adults who already have experience of low and/or high tech AAC. Although the grid set is fully supported by symbols, the spelling...

Vocabulário Dinheiro

Tabela de Comunicação para atividades com dinheiro


Aprende las vocales.

Voco Chat
Smartbox Ukrainian

Voco Chat — це словник символів із малою кількістю комірок, розроблений для спілкування користувачів на різні теми. Схеми повідомлень завдяки вбудованим переходам і ретельно підібраному словнику надають узгоджений підхід до складання речення. Група...

Voco Chat - Afrikaans

Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully selected vocabulary, provide a supported approach to language. The grid set...

Voco Chat - Utan symboler
Jesper Picomed

OBS! Utan symboler! Voco Chat är ett vokabulär med färre cellantal, utformad för att göra det möjligt för användare att kommunicera av många olika skäl. Meddelandevägar med inbyggda hopp och noggrant utvalt vokabulär, ger en språkmetod som stöd....

Voco Chat- no symbols
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

December 21. An adapted version of Voco Chat with symbols largely removed. Voco Chat is a low-cell count symbol vocabulary, designed to enable users to communicate for a wide range of reasons. Message pathways, with built-in jumps and carefully...

Vogais - Avô Cantigas

Ver um vídeo de forma acessível e inclusiva.

Vogais que faltam
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Atividade para completar as palavras com as vogais que faltam. Criada por Anabela Caiado - 2022 CRPCCG/UTAAC

VSB Launch Pad

A simple eye gaze launch pad that has links to the basics all in one place. Many thanks to all the makers who we have linked here in our launch pad. Please download the VSB Letter of the Day 1 and 2 and link them to the "Letter of the Day" button...

VSB Launch Pad Level 2

A level 2 eye gaze launch pad that has links to the basics all in one place. Many thanks to all the makers who we have linked here in our launch pad.

VSB Letter of the Day A-L

This is a launch pad for the letter of the day grids made by Indigo. It includes letters A to L.

Wack a nose 2013
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

Started to adapt my colleague's Neil grid from last year. I have changed some of the images, but not everything. So it is still monster pizza for example rather than dino. Do have a look though, if I get a chance this week will change further....

Wack a Nose Grid Player
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A simple version of Wack a nose grid set for the Grid Player If you like the game don't forget to donate some money to Comic Relief -