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Home corner GLP
Casey Boleat

Home corner Gestalt Language Processor

Amy Robertson

Practice homophones

Homophones - Next Step
Amy Robertson

Practice homophones within a sentence. Learner have to use the correct homophone to create a sentence.

Horse therapy OF

For client doing horse therapy - visible buttons

Horse therapy OF

For client doing horse therapy - visible buttons

Horse therapy OF

For client doing horse therapy - visible buttons

Hospital Appointments
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

A set of grids to help when you have an appointment with the doctors or at the hospital

Hot Dog song (switch)
Amy Robertson

Each grid contains one scanable cell which you can select to hear 30 seconds of a song, you then need to select this cell again to hear a further 30 seconds. Whilst the song is playing, it is not possible to interrupt this. This grid set is...

How I am Feeling

Simple and effective way of communicating the different needs of the body


Howard communication


Tablero rutinas J

Hunden Hubert - Færøsk
Elin Dögg - Aabentoft

Se hvordan Hubert reagerer når du fodrer ham med pølser, giver han en bold, et kødben… eller en edderkop! Dette Grid Layout udvikler tidlige evner til årsag-virkning. Interaktive læringsaktiviteter er designet for at være motiverende og sjove imens...

hvad er klokken

I dette sidesæt, skal du hjælpe figurerne med at, gøre tingene til tiden udfra 3 muligheder, skal du finde det ur som viser det tidspunkt hvor figuren skal gøre noget. Yderligere oplysninger om sidesættet: på hver side bliver der sagt et tidspunkt,...

Hymn Polski
Filip Szafarz

Hymn Polski w wersji PCS.

I 5 sensi
Dina 2024_04_18


I feel
Smartbox Academy - Workshop

Express their emotions and then select an activity for support. This support serves as a valuable tool to assist students in understanding and communicating their feelings and learning how to regulate them.

I have a pain!

I have a pain

I spy - six describing choices with chat
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

A grid for playing the 'I spy' game by describing the object, for users who are not using spelling. Only two selections are needed, to say "I spy with my little eye something that is", and the second to choose either the colour, the describing...

I’ll Rate It
Kelly SALT

Simple rating scale from voco chat

Keira Fewtrell iPad

Shared because I can't find the original version

Identificação de partes do corpo
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

O objetivo desta atividade é nomear as partes do corpo humano identificando a sua função. CRPCCG 2021- TFala Inês Vaz