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Identificar Letras
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Nesta atividade o objetivo é identificar a letra inicial que corresponde a cada imagem, assim como nomear a imagem que aparece. CRPCCG 2021- TFala Inês Vaz

IEr first phonics
Jen Clark

Initial sounds for the names of Isla's family

Il cane Dilberto
Softime Bambini

Il cane dilberto - lingua italiana

Claudia PROVA

Il gioco delle scimmie

Imagens e Palavras

Observa as imagens e lê as palavras. Escolhe a correta. Pronto para imprimir e ajudar enquanto baixa tecnologia.

Images sequentielles

Travailler les images séquentielles grâce au numerique. Mode sans échec dispo. Il s'agit d'une première série sur le matin: on dort, on se lave on enlève le pyjama et on s'habille

Images séquentielles la peinture

Travailler les images séquentielles grâce au numerique. Mode sans échec dispo. 4 images : Une petite fille verse la peinture sur sa feuille etc. 3 exercices différents sont proposés : Remettre en ordre les images; découverte de la phrase et un TLA...

In Case of Emergency Card (I.C.E)

In case of emergency grid. Grid does not have a talk/speech function, displays information only. Fill in your details on this grid to communicate with emergency services or with others in an emergency. Education Special Education Schools...

In, On & Under
SALT Jersey

In on and under in a 3 word sentence

Independent Writing Keyboard
Bridges Canada Leanne

Designed to support independent writing with full access to the alphabet for emergent writers. Customize with images for 4 topic prompts. The 2 hit keyboard supports early eye gaze users and individuals with fine motor difficulties. Final writing...

Indholdsfortegnelse kogebog

Nu er det muligt at være mester kok og styre sine hjælpere eller forældre rundt i køkkenet. Dette grid layout fungerer som indholdsfortegnelsen i en kogebog. Grid layoutet linker til de enkelte opskrifter, dette kræver at de enkelte opskrifter...

Instrumentos Cordas

Um parceiro digital para os contextos de música.

Instrumentos Sopro

Um parceiro digital para os contextos de música.

Instrumentos Sopro

Um parceiro digital para os contextos de música.

Cal 2022_06_25

grid set with list of different instruments from the brass, wind, percussion and string families

Interactive Learning Cause & Effect - 4 choices with chat - with rest cells
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

A modified version of the Interactive Learning Cause and Effect grids, with four large cells to choose from in each activity, and chat and opinion pages also with just four large cells. An added page also allows users to say if they would like to do...

Interactive Learning for switch access
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

A version of the Interactive Learning grids tailored for developing switch access. All activities have the animation cells in a single row across the top of the screen for introducing and developing cell by cell scanning. Cause and Effect Chat pages...


CRF internat

Introductory pageset (RH)
Sally Featon

This Grid Set was created by ATtherapy This is a bespoke 'getting started' page set for someone to engage with communication who is not quite ready for Supercore learning 12 yet. This has between 4 and 8 cells on a page to choose between;...

Intruso - descobre a palavra que não rima - 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Jogo de identificação da palavra que não rima (intruso). Objetivo: desenvolvimento de competências fonológicas essenciais à aquisição da linguagem oral e escrita. Atividade criada pela Educadora Anabela Caiado CRPCCG-UTAAC-2023

Ipad Clairbois Chambesy

modele Grid pour Ipad premiers niveau modélisation et expression au quotidien

IT capacity pages

A topic based vocabulary for beginning AAC users. On each topic grid, users can build simple sentences from one or two selections, using sentence starters and topic words. Grid size is 6x3

Jackson Pollock
Smartbox Academy - Workshop

This Gridset allows you to control the Jackson Pollock website, which allows you to create abstract painitings using eye gaze. You can change the colour of the pain by blinking (using the blink to click).