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Adapted gridset for 1Voice music & songwriting - based on Supercore Learning12


Adapted gridset for 1Voice Songwriting & Music session - Based on Supercore30


Adapted gridset for 1Voice Songwriting & Music session - based on Supercore50

1z10 szablon

Szablon na warsztaty aac

2 Dice for Grid 3
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

Grid set for throwing 2 dice

2 Dice for Grid 3
Amanda Training

Amanda Dice Game TEST

2 hit

2 hit keyboard with 6 cells and chat writing area

2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

A two-hit 12 cell keyboard grid, with large targets and large font. Contains alphabet, numbers, punctuation, prediction cells and two message pages, which the user is able to add/remove messages from. Suitable for eye gaze.

2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

A 12 cell keyboard grid with large targets and large font. Contains a two-hit alphabet, numbers, punctuation, prediction cells and two message pages, which the user is able to add/remove messages from.

2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard
Anna L

A two-hit 12 cell keyboard grid, with large targets and large font. Contains alphabet, numbers, punctuation, prediction cells and two message pages, which the user is able to add/remove messages from. Suitable for eye gaze.

2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard - Copy
hayley smith

A two-hit 12 cell keyboard grid, with large targets and large font. Contains alphabet, numbers, punctuation, prediction cells and two message pages, which the user is able to add/remove messages from. Suitable for eye gaze.

2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard - Copy
Anna L

A two-hit 12 cell keyboard grid, with large targets and large font. Contains alphabet, numbers, punctuation, prediction cells and two message pages, which the user is able to add/remove messages from. Suitable for eye gaze.

2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard - JS

A 12 cell keyboard grid with large targets and large font. Contains a two-hit alphabet, numbers, punctuation, prediction cells and two message pages, which the user is able to add/remove messages from.

2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard with rest cells
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

A 12 cell keyboard grid, suitable for eye gaze, with large targets and large font. Contains a two-hit alphabet, numbers, punctuation, prediction cells and two message pages, which the user is able to add/remove messages from.

2 Immagini

2 Immagini Villa Rosa

2 Klick 12 Zellen Tastatur

Ein 12-Zellen-Tastatur-Rasterset, geeignet für die Augensteuerung , mit großen Zielen und großer Schrift. Enthält ein Zwei-Klick-Alphabet, Zahlen, Satzzeichen, Vorhersage-Zellen und zwei Nachrichtenseiten, welche der Benutzer selbstständig durch...

2 sílabas

Cuadrícula para trabajar algunas palabras bisilábicas, con sílabas directas. El usuario puede explorar la imágen, tener el feedback auditivo y autocorregirse.

2 single item with distractor

Gridset shown in CM2018 presention titled Augmentative and Alternative Communication Provision Pathway: Single item activation to linking ideas and navigating (slides available on ) Example of conversation grid with single...

2 Sprechende Tasten 3x5 (de_DE METACOM 1.0.0)
AssistUK official upload

Ein Seitenset mit sprechenden Tasten. Informationen unter Version: 2 Sprechende Tasten 3x5 (de_DE 1.0.0)

2 Step Keyboard
Michelle Marques

2 Step keyboard (frequency of use order) with phrases

2 Step Keyboard - ABC
Michelle Marques

Two Step Keyboard with phrases