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Material de sociais do primeiro trimestre de 3º.

1-Lotto, Dora 2x3
Marit Pelk

Interactief leren. Matching. Lotto Dora. Gemaakt door Marit Pelk van QuoVadis NL


Adapted gridset for 1Voice music & songwriting - based on Supercore Learning12


Adapted gridset for 1Voice Songwriting & Music session - Based on Supercore30


Adapted gridset for 1Voice Songwriting & Music session - based on Supercore50

1x1 Play Pause Video SET BC

Play pause one video player; specify view (wait) time for video to play on home grid and video player 2.0 grid. Video play time is currently set to 15 seconds.

1z10 szablon

Szablon na warsztaty aac

2 Button next option/choose Grid

Simple choice making/communication. Designed for touch screen. The screen is split into two. The Grid features an option to choose on the LHS and a "Next" button on the RHS, which then changes that option. Selecting an option will speak it and then...

2 Choice Story Writing [Celebrity Date]
Bridges Canada Leanne

"Choose your own adventure" style story template about a celebrity date. Final story can be read aloud and printed.

2 Dice for Grid 3
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

Grid set for throwing 2 dice

2 Dice for Grid 3
Amanda Training

Amanda Dice Game TEST

2 hit

2 hit keyboard with 6 cells and chat writing area

2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard
Smartbox Adam Online Grids

A two-hit 12 cell keyboard grid, with large targets and large font. Contains alphabet, numbers, punctuation, prediction cells and two message pages, which the user is able to add/remove messages from. Suitable for eye gaze.

2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

A 12 cell keyboard grid with large targets and large font. Contains a two-hit alphabet, numbers, punctuation, prediction cells and two message pages, which the user is able to add/remove messages from.

2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard
Anna L

A two-hit 12 cell keyboard grid, with large targets and large font. Contains alphabet, numbers, punctuation, prediction cells and two message pages, which the user is able to add/remove messages from. Suitable for eye gaze.

2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard - Copy
hayley smith

A two-hit 12 cell keyboard grid, with large targets and large font. Contains alphabet, numbers, punctuation, prediction cells and two message pages, which the user is able to add/remove messages from. Suitable for eye gaze.

2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard - Copy
Anna L

A two-hit 12 cell keyboard grid, with large targets and large font. Contains alphabet, numbers, punctuation, prediction cells and two message pages, which the user is able to add/remove messages from. Suitable for eye gaze.

2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard - JS

A 12 cell keyboard grid with large targets and large font. Contains a two-hit alphabet, numbers, punctuation, prediction cells and two message pages, which the user is able to add/remove messages from.

2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard with rest cells
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

A 12 cell keyboard grid, suitable for eye gaze, with large targets and large font. Contains a two-hit alphabet, numbers, punctuation, prediction cells and two message pages, which the user is able to add/remove messages from.

2 Hit Keyboard

A simple 2 hit keyboard for Grid Player with prediction

2 Hit Talker
Gemma Hughes - Smartbox

This is a Two hit grid set. It is for for text users who have problems managing the amount of squares needed for a keyboard to appear on one screen. The grid size is 4x3. Original grid set by Lorna Gill from the Ace Centre, adapted by Gemma...

2 Immagini

2 Immagini Villa Rosa

2 Klick 12 Zellen Tastatur

Ein 12-Zellen-Tastatur-Rasterset, geeignet für die Augensteuerung , mit großen Zielen und großer Schrift. Enthält ein Zwei-Klick-Alphabet, Zahlen, Satzzeichen, Vorhersage-Zellen und zwei Nachrichtenseiten, welche der Benutzer selbstständig durch...

2 sílabas

Cuadrícula para trabajar algunas palabras bisilábicas, con sílabas directas. El usuario puede explorar la imágen, tener el feedback auditivo y autocorregirse.