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Opostos - fácil
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Jogo para trabalhar o conceito de oposto. Criado por Rita Varela - 2022 UTAAC/CRPCCG

Ordenar Dinheiro

Atividade para Ordenar

organiza as letras na palavra - 2023
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Ordenar as letras, para escrever a palavra. CRPCCG 2023 - T.F. André Santos

Os 5 sentidos
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Atividade para trabalhar os 5 sentidos. Criada por Rita Varela - 2022 UTAAC/CRPCCG

Os Três Porquinhos

Teclado com a história dos Três Porquinhos. O utilizador consegue ser autónomo na leitura da história.

Ouvir Sons

Uma atividade que utiliza a biblioteca de sons integrada no GRID 3.

Filip Szafarz

Owoce - w poszukiwaniu banana! Koniecznie włącz głośniki i odnajdź banana wśrod powiększającego się ciągle towarzystwa innych owoców! Ćwiczenie usprawniające dokonywanie wyboru przez użytkowników AAC. Uwagi mile widziane:

Owoce quiz
Filip Szafarz

Prosty quiz owocowy 2-elementowy. Uwagi mile widziane:

PACEC Prog JD_final_16 sept 2020

clavier pour balayage Modifié par Annie Bergeron

Padrões e Sequências
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Atividade para desenvolver o raciocínio lógico. Criada por Anabela Caiado - 2022 CRPCCG/UTAAC

Paralympics 2016
Hannah Church - Smartbox

Word list grid set covering basic sentences relating to the 2016 paralympics. Ask simple questions and give feedback. Also features a bonus grid set with sounds to cheer on your favourite teams.

ParlaConMe - Helpicare

ParlaConMe-livello D è un sistema personalizzabile di comunicazione simbolica progettato per la lingua italiana. Le caratteristiche fondamentali di questo strumento sono la correttezza grammaticale e morfologica, la completezza dei contentuti, la...

Patatap soundboard
Dave Greenwood - Smartbox

A fun grid set using the soundboard provided at There are 8 selections of sound sets available. The symbols are just random selections to make the board fun to look at! The web area can be expanded for some funky visuals to go with...

PDF Reader DE
Ralph Dietrich

Computersteuerungsraster zur Bedienung des Adobe PDF Readers (v10.0). Das Raster ermöglicht es, E-Books und Dateien im PDF Format mit Hilfe des Adobe Acrobat Readers zu lesen. Je nach Betriebssystemversion (32-/64-Bit) muss ggf. für ein...

Penelope Snoop Ace Detective Writing Activities
CALL Scotland

A set of differentiated writing activities about the book 'Penelope Snoop: Ace Detective' by Pamela Butchart. Activities include writing a book review and creating sentences about the story; grid sets with differentiated levels of support; write...

Perceção Visual - Lego 4 peças
CRPCCG 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023 - Lisboa

Atividade para trabalhar: a perceção visual, a atenção e concentração. Educadora Anabela Caiado UTAAC/CRPCCG 2021

Phonétique 45 cases Spello
Raphael Terrier

Ce clavier permet de communiquer avec des phonèmes (même disposition que les appareils synthé), dont la dimension s'adapte parfaitement avec l'utilisation du guide doigt 45 cases sur Spello (Proteor). Il est personnalisable et modifiable (couleurs,...

Photo display with comments and story

Take and share photos and tell their story. symbol stix direct/switch access Chris Sherlock July 2019

Photo display with comments and story - rest cells

Take and share photos and tell their story. Symbolstix. With an access method rest cell. Chris Sherlock July 2019

Piano Mágico

Causa-efeito, comunicação, aprendizagem.

Play Minecraft! for Grid 3

Control minecraft with a single switch or eye gaze. The left and right mouse buttons must be remapped to the [<] and [>] keys.

PODD 15 School scanning

Column-Row Auditory Scanning Designed for children who are just beginning their communication journey, with school-specific vocabulary grids for school subjects and topics. Vocabulary and organisation are most similar to the 12 per page...

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Um conjunto de atividades para trabalhar o dinheiro

PowerPoint Style

A simple slideshow for user with limited access skills. To create a PowerPoint Style presentation, with a one-cell text message, and a one-cell photo. Naviagation buttons can be used by helper or made bigger for more independent users. 12 blank...

PPE - Social Story

A simple social story to support users to understand why visitors to their home will be wearing PPE and who each of the visitors will be. This version is easy to print.

PPE - Social Story - symbolised

A simple social story to support users to understand why visitors to their home will be wearing PPE and who each of the visitors will be. This version has symbolised sentences.

Pragmatic Auditory scanning book
Will Wade

A pragmatically organised auditory scanning book - designed to be linear scanned.