Eye gaze
Designed for eye gaze
2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard
A two-hit 12 cell keyboard grid, with large targets and large font. Contains alphabet, numbers, punctuation, prediction cells and two message pages, which the user is able to add/remove messages from. Suitable for eye gaze.
2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard with rest cells
A 12 cell keyboard grid, suitable for eye gaze, with large targets and large font. Contains a two-hit alphabet, numbers, punctuation, prediction cells and two message pages, which the user is able to add/remove messages from.
2 Hit Talker
This is a Two hit grid set. It is for for text users who have problems managing the amount of squares needed for a keyboard to appear on one screen. The grid size is 4x3. Original grid set by Lorna Gill from the Ace Centre, adapted by Gemma...
2-Hit Phonic ABC Keyboard
This is an Eye Gaze Accessible 2-Hit Keyboard adapted from a 2 Hit 12 Cell Keyboard from Online Grids: https://grids.thinksmartbox.com/en/adam-waits/2-hit-12-cell-keyboard- Created by CALL Scotland, 2023 www.callscotland.org.uk
4 x 4
4 x 4 vocabulary designed for dynamic access users such as eye gaze, head pointer and touchscreen users FEATURES: jumps (links) to core vocabulary and starters words in centre column workspace in central row simple colour coding system to aid...
6 cell look to learn chat pages- Widgit
A set of two grids to introduce some simple choices and chat when using Look to Learn eye gaze activities. run this at the same time as Look to Learn, switching quickly between the two. A useful tool to develop early AAC. Some cells have been...
6 cell look to learn choose & chat for G3
2 grids to help early communicators choose and comment on Look to Learn activities
6 cell Look to Learn symbolstix
A set of two grids using Symbolstix to introduce some simple choices and chat when using Look to Learn eye gaze activities. run this at the same time as Look to Learn, switching quickly between the two. A useful tool to develop early AAC. Some...
8 Talk - Widgit symbols
This is set of 4x2 grids which allows the user to communicate about a range of everyday events and topics, with a minimal number of selections. The program fills in the additional vocabulary so that what is spoken is usually a normal complete...
9 Cell Star Talker
The 9 cell access is helpful to people who work more easily with a small number of cells. For an eye gaze user or a touch screen user, this simply means fewer and larger cells. For a switch user, scanning a grid of 9 cells twice gives access...
9 cell version Star Talker 2
The 9 cell access is helpful to people who work more easily with a small number of cells.
AAC HEADS Super Core 50
This gird set, based on the Super Core 50 ACTIVITIES format has been created and edited with vocabulary often used in the AAC HEADS online game show. The pages of this gridset can brought into an existing gridset. Follow the link to find out more...
Acitivty Timer
In this grid, you have the option to set a timer for 1 minute, 5 minutes, or 10 minutes. Additionally, there is a section where students can utilize core vocabulary and topic cells. By selecting these cells, they will appear in the chat writing area...
Adapted Symbol Talker C - final
This is an adapted grid from Symbol Talker C. Key changes from the original symbol talker C: Cells are larger making it easier for those who use direct access or eyegaze. Function cells (clear, speak, del word) remain in a consistent location...
Adobe Reader
PDF Reader with Printing. Adobe Reader must be set as the default PDF Reader and a folder called PDF to be created in 'My Documents' where all PDF documents need to be located.
An advent calendar grid set. A 6x4 grid is used to select the day with all choices available (either by the eye-gaze user or communication partner). Then a 4x3 grid is used to select the day again with only one choice available. Finally, the user...
Alpha Core Simplified
Alpha Core is a text-based AAC vocabulary designed to meet the communication needs of literate adults with changing physical abilities, such as ALS or MND. It gives users a choice of seven keyboards, and the flexibility to change to another at any...
alternative pencil phoneme keyboard
Grids made for early literacy and playing with sound letter coorespondence. Can be used with eye gaze
alternative pencil ver 2
Improved format of alternative pencil. Says letter names. Additional features of full stop and backspace are hidden above the workspace.
Amazon Music
This Grid Set has been designed to give the user as much control as possible of the Amazon Music desktop app. IT does rely heavily on mouse clicks, but there are some pre-programmed keyboard shortcuts too. You will need to download the Amazon Music...
AMCap webcam (G2)
A grid set to launch and a program called AMCAP. This program allows you to control the webcam on your computer. Alongside this grid set, you will need to download the free or paid for version of AMCAP http://noeld.com/programs.asp?cat=video#AMCap...
I've made a Grid that you can make art with. It's basically Squares that you can change the colours of. It's fun to do! I've made it because there was nothing like this on the online grids. Have fun!