Kompatibilní s Gridem pro iPad
Kompatibilní s Gridem pro iPad
5 Categories
Gridset shown in CM2018 presention titled Augmentative and Alternative Communication Provision Pathway: Single item activation to linking ideas and navigating (slides available on https://t.co/J37RzTZCKk ) Example of grid for learning and...
5-7-24 Access youtube + core
5-7-24 - Grid 3 web browser is currently not working correctly for the original version of this Grid Set created by Jess MacRae. I have modified the grid set to continue to function by adapting some commands. You may need to change the times on the...
6 avril 21 clavier et notees en cours
Pacec_AB Un moyen rapide et facile de créer, d'enregistrer et de modifier des documents.
6 Simple Choice
Simple vocab gridset with Home page and 2 template pages to copy and re-use. 6 vocab choices per page. Feedback welcome drossi@rhn.org.uk
6 Simple Choice with photos
Tweaked original grid set and added photos Simple vocab gridset with Home page and 2 template pages to copy and re-use. 4-6 vocab choices per page. A total of 3 populated start pages with a total of 16 category pages. Feedback welcome...
7 sacred teachings
Seven sacred teachings. This grid has images of the seven animals along with the guiding principles for First Nation teachings.
A simple social story to support users to understand why visitors to their home will be wearing PPE and who each of the visitors will be. This version has symbolised sentences.
A chuva é um pingue pingue
Canção adaptada com 6 células sobre a temática da chuva (Inverno). Permite trabalhar estrutura e orientação frásica, entoação melódica, elementos semânticos, atenção, memória visual e auditivo, entre outros aspetos de intervenção. Permite ainda...
A história do Capuchinho Vermelho
História do Capuchinho Vermelho adaptada da coleção "Sente os Contos", Editora Yoyo Studios. Imagens retiradas do livro. Voz personalizada.