Compatible with Grid Player
Compatible with Grid Player
Christmas Chat
A page for symbol users to chat about all things Christmas. If there are too many symbols on this page, you can remove a column or two, and still have plenty to say! I see Christmas lights! You want make snowman? I want Christmas pudding I...
Class 1-2 assembly speakers lines
This is an assmebly for Southcraig School with lines for the non-speaking members to say. The class are P1-P4
Colour coded bundle by Lonsdale
Created by AAC technicians Carla Middleton and Rochelle Dawes and Emma Covington,NHS assistant at LONSDALE PNI school. A basic pre-school bundle in line with COLOURFUL SEMANTICS. Look out for similar colour coded bundles for eye-gaze.
Colourful Semantics - dinosaurs, sea creatures
Extra colourful semantics- adapted to work with gridplayer
CommuniKate 20 - SymbolStix - Direct Access
CommuniKate 20 is a socially focused 20 location, page set designed exclusively for people who use AAC. It was designed so that it could be easily used in conjunction with a low-tech communication book and as a progression from a book to a dynamic...