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Choosing objects for posting
SALT Jersey

Posting choosing board

Christmas Chat
Daisy Clay - Smartbox

A page for symbol users to chat about all things Christmas. If there are too many symbols on this page, you can remove a column or two, and still have plenty to say! I see Christmas lights! You want make snowman? I want Christmas pudding I...

Class 1-2 assembly speakers lines
Nicola McNally SC

This is an assmebly for Southcraig School with lines for the non-speaking members to say. The class are P1-P4

College Office Communication
RNIB College Loughborough

Communication Aid for Common College Office Tasks

Colour coded bundle by Lonsdale
Emma Covington

Created by AAC technicians Carla Middleton and Rochelle Dawes and Emma Covington,NHS assistant at LONSDALE PNI school. A basic pre-school bundle in line with COLOURFUL SEMANTICS. Look out for similar colour coded bundles for eye-gaze.

Colour Monster

A grid to support the teaching of the colour monster

Colourful Semantics

colourful semantics

Colourful Semantics - dinosaurs, sea creatures
Casey Boleat

Extra colourful semantics- adapted to work with gridplayer

Colourful Semantics (2)
Aimee J

colourful semantics- adapted to work with gridplayer

Colourful Semantics (2)
SALT Jersey

Extra colourful semantics- adapted to work with gridplayer

Colourful Semantics (2)
Marie Burke

Extra colourful semantics- adapted to work with gridplayer

Colourful Semantics SVAOL
Casey Boleat

Colourful semantics SVAOL

Colourful Semantics SVAOL
Aimee English

Colourful semantics SVAOL

CommuniKate 20 - SymbolStix - Direct Access
Kate McCallum

CommuniKate 20 is a socially focused 20 location, page set designed exclusively for people who use AAC. It was designed so that it could be easily used in conjunction with a low-tech communication book and as a progression from a book to a dynamic...

Cookie theft grid set
Bethany Vleminckx

Grid set to go with 'cookie theft' composite pictures

Hannah P

Cooking cheese biscuits

Cooking cheesecake
Hannah P

cheesecake ingredients and equipment needed